Chapter 19

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"CUT" Chris shouted. I let my body relax and I take a seat on the gravel beneath me. I should explain. The past year and a half I've been spending a lot of time with the guys, Lots and Gem. So for the premiere of Dunkirk Harry took me as his date because Louis had an interview for a charity he's supporting. That night Harry introduced me to Christopher Nolan, where he found that I had been interested in acting. Of course being the polite guy he was, he told me to contact him if I ever wanted to audition for some films. I of course didn't take it seriously, at first. Then about a month after meeting him I received a truck load of flowers and a bunch of cards begging me to audition for a specific role that he had wanted me to play.

When I caved and showed up at the studio to audition I found that the part was to play a Mexican teenage girl gang leader, not by choice. She was forced into the family business from her father and she goes soft for a guy in her gang, which eventually gets her killed. I fell in love with the character and devoted my entire being to the role. Chris said that he knew I'd be perfect for the part when he first saw me. Apparently the studio producers agreed and I got the part.

"Sesley, I was thinking for these next few takes we try slapping her with the back of your hand. It's more intense you know? I want it to show authority. It kind of looks like a cat fight right now." He crouched down to my eye level and handed me a water bottle. I chugged about a third of the bottle before agreeing to the back hand. It was about 2:00 A.M. and we had been filming since 7:00 A.M. the day before.

Finally after about 10 minutes of everyone getting some sugar and water in their system, everybody was back on set and ready to wrap for the day. I walked over to Samantha, she's playing my younger sister. I smiled at her as we waited for everyone to get situated.

"You ready?" I asked her, smiling.

"Yeah, I think I'm good for now. We'll see how I feel after you hit me repeatedly." She laughed and I laughed along.

"Ok guys, let's nail this so we can go home." Chris shouted from his chair. The crew agreed and I rolled my shoulders in attempt to loosen up. Samantha removed her robe and revealed her partially naked body in only a thong and heels.  "Ok, ACTION!"

"Please Thy Thy, I love him." She begged. Tears staining her rosy cheeks. I laugh dryly at her misery and her use of the word love.

"You're sixteen. You don't know what love is, estúpida. No seas tan tonta!" I shouted. I crouched down to eye level with her and rested my elbows on my knees. "Now look at you, you're just some whore to him. You know he only wanted you because you're in a rival gang. But you went anyways, and now you're just another little slut!" I gave a look of disgust before pushing her down to the ground with one hand and straightening up again and beginning to walk away.

Before I could walk two steps Samantha Stood. "Don't act so innocent Natalia! Don't think for a second that everyone is clueless about your thing with Sebastian! You wanna call me a whore? What have you been doing with him? Huh? Does papi know? I'm sure he'd love to know that his fucking 'Ringleader' of a daughter is getting nasty with one of his guys." I swiftly turn to face her and back hand her as hard as I could. I almost flinched in fear of me actually hurting Samantha but I stayed in character.

I walked over to where Samantha lied on the gravel holding onto her cheek. And rested my boot on top of her throat. "Let's get something perfectly clear, cochina. I might not have asked for this. But I know how to do my job. Don't think for a second that I'll hesitate in killing you if I want to. Nobody would miss you not even papi if he knew what I just caught you doing in there. So don't ever fucking talk to me like that again." I let my boot apply a little more pressure on Samantha's throat. "Understand?" She nodded urgently and I lifted my boot. Samantha gasped for air and clutched onto her throat trying to soothingly rub it. "Good, go find a shirt slut! And don't come back home until your little lover boy is dead." I toss my prop gun toward her body and walk out of the shot.

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