Chapter 11

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"Go put on your nice outfit that we got you before Halloween! Remember the one with the c-" I start.

"The one with the collar! I know it! Ok wait here!" Victor runs toward the back room that he sleeps in. I turn back around to face Jose and Manny.

"Thanks again for letting him come." I say sitting down on a chair in his kitchen.

"Hey, thanks for having him, he loves going out with you guys. But I'm not sure when I'll be back from the factory..." He sighs.

"Oh well, we were sort of hoping he'd spend the night with us. So on Christmas morning he can open presents with everyone." I suggest.

"Oh yeah that'd be great actually thanks Ses." He smiles.

"Anytime, so how are you Jose? How's work?" I ask.

"Eh it's hard you know? But I'm working, making a living that's all I can do for me and my boy." He answers with a tired smile.

"Jose I keep telling you I have money just take it man!" Manny sighs.

"No little brother. That's your money, you earn it. I want to make my own! I have to know that I can provide for him."

"Well I still think-" Manny starts.

"No. That's it." Jose ends the discussion as Victor walks out in khaki pants and a white button up. His shoes are still in great condition and he even picked out a suitable belt.

"Look at you little man!" I say opening my arms which he runs into. I pick him up and place him on my lap. "You're so handsome! You look just like your daddy!" I say Jose sends me a grateful smile.

"Alright well, I've gotta go to work." Jose says. "But be good mijo, ok? And don't make a mess on your clothes those are nice." Victor nods and kisses his dad on the cheek before we all get up and leave the house. On our way to my moms house, I show Victor the new One Direction Album and he seems to really enjoy it. He said his favorite one so far was the one about Wolves. Before we can finish the album we arrive at my Mothers house and walk in without knocking. A few kids were already running around playing hide and seek in the house. My god-daughter Isabella runs up to us.

"Hi Victor!" She says smiling at him.

"Hi Izzy." He greets on of his arms is wrapped around my leg.

"Wanna play with us?" She asks. He looks up at me and I look at Manny. He shrugs with a smile and I gently push Victor. Telling him it was ok. He runs off with Isabella and they find a hiding spot behind a couch I watch as another nephew of mine searches until they finally find Vic. Then when he's it they all hide again.

"Let's go find your mom." Manny suggests tearing my focus away from the kids. We walk into the kitchen to see my mom and all my Tia's talking and cooking at the same time.

"Hey everybody!" I shout. My Tia's all look back at me rushing over to hug Manny and I. Once they disperse Manny is sent out back to hang out with the guys while I stay and help cook tamales. I'm on folding duty. "Mom we brought Victor, I hope that's ok."

"Of course Mija! I love Victor I feel like I have a grandson when it comes to him." She gushes. "By the way his presents are under my bed if you want to take them to his house."

"Oh no he's sleeping over at the hotel with us tonight. So he'll come with us tomorrow morning to open presents." I explain.

"Oh ok then. How are you though? How's school?" She asks handing me another tamale to fold.

"Good I have As in all my classes. It's just boring I guess. But I graduate in a month so that's good." I say.

"What're you going to do after?" She asks. Another tamale to fold.

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