chapter 1

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// Harry //

I reach the other end of the pool just as the doors to the swim room open. I take off my goggles and lean against the side wall to see who had came in. It's odd to see anyone here this late, I'm usually the only one here, except for a teacher every now and then. But that's rare.

I can't see anyone near the door, or in fact anywhere in the room, giving me a weird feeling in my stomach, but I do my best to ignore it. I'm getting paranoid over nothing.

I pull myself out of the pool and walk over to get a towel, looking around the room to see who had walked in, but again, no one is be seen. I'm probably just hearing things. I've been here too long.

As soon as I'm dried off, I grab my things and throw the towel around my neck walking towards the swimmers locker room.

Just as I pass the frame of the door I hear the splash of someone diving into the water.

It's probably just a teacher or someone who works at the school. Like i thought earlier but I want to know exactly who, I don't know why. My mother always did say I was nosy and unhealthingly curious.

I throw my stuff on the nearest bench but of course it all falls off. I debate whether i should pick it up but settle on picking it up later.

I walk back into the swim room, staying as quiet as possible. To not startle the person.

But once I reach about 10 feet away from the rim of the pool I still can't recognize who it is.

In the pool is a girl, about my age. She is already coming up from under the water. Her hands run over her face as she takes in a breath. 

Then she allows her body to float to the surface of the water. Her body sways back in forth as the water pushes her from side to side. Her arms streach out, on either side, moving the same way.

Her legs look thin and toned. From swimming I'm guessing. A rather dark purple one piece swim suit covers most of her body. It's perfect against her pale skin. And her long brown hair spreads out behind her, moving in the same rhythm as her body.

She then pushes her legs down so as if she were standing in the water. Her legs and arms moving at a steady pace to keep her afloat.

And that's when I notice her eyes.

Her eyelids reveal the most beautiful pair of eyes I've ever seen. The color is a mixture of blue and a hint of grey. A black line traces the outline of her eyes to which makes their color more prominent. The narrowness of the eyes could intimdate anyone. 

"I hope you know I was well aware of you staring at me." Her voice holds no emotion, I can't tell if she is angry, or just pointing out the obvious.

She swims to the far end of the pool, away from me, and climbs out. Taking her time in doing so. Her feet move her to one of the three benches, grabbing a towel to wrap around herself.

I realize I am still staring and I begin rushing out my apologie stuttering over my words.

"Oh um." I have to clear my throat because my voice sounds weak and boaderline pathetic.

"I didn't mean to-"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know, I know it wasn't your intention, blah blah blah." She rolls her eyes as she excuses my observing eyes, and then proceeds into asking me a question.

"Do you know recongize me?"

"No." I reply, embarrassed that I can't say that I do. Should I know her?

"Good." She smiles, amused by my confusion, of course.

"The less you know about me the easier this is." She sits down on the bench and pats the spot next to her signaling for me to sit next to her.

"See Harry i came here to tell you something. Okay? But i want to be real subtle. So as if you found out yourself and not like i told you." I nod, agreeing, even though I'm completely flustered as to what the hell she has to tell me.

"You know Styles some people are real secretive about who they like. But just because they don't tell you they like you, doesn't lessen the pain they feel when they hear how many arses your dick has been up."

Her eyes focuse infront of her, on the water. Not even cutting a glance towards me as she speaks.

"I think the girls around here have already gotten it that i'm not intrested in a serious relationship." i reply, a bit offeneded that she thinks she has any say about my sex life.

She stands up, looking down at me with a smirk on her lips.

"I didn't say I was talking about a girl, but well I've said what i came to say, and i must be going now."

She turns on her heels and walks away, the only sound left was of her feet padding against the floor and the water as it moves back and forth.

I watch her until she is completely out of sight, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

My mind then travels back to what she said about hurting someone.



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