Chapter 2

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// Harry //

Friday. It's been 4 days since that girl approached me. I wake up an hour earlier than my alarm clock. Same as every other day this week. The past few nights have probably been my worse.  How could I sleep with what happened? My mind hasn't been able to stop thinking about who that girl was and what she said. I know it probably isn't anything. Hell she could've been high for all i know but i haven't heard of any guy liking me. I wanted to know who it was. 

I should probably forget it all happened but i the my worst quality is getting the best of me.

After thinking and procrastinating I finally get out of bed and walk to the bathroom to take a shower. I bump and trip over a few things on the way. Just before I actually reach my bathroom, I decide against the shower, it was just gonna take up more of the extra time I had. I tug on some jeans, and put on a shirt advertising some band I'm not even sure are still together. I slip on some converse and I was out of my room.

I jog down the stairs, taking two at a time and walk into the kitchen where my mother and sister were up and about. My mom smiles when she sees me, wishing me a good morning and places a plate of eggs and bacon in front of me. Noticing the time from the clock above the oven I try my best into finishing my breakfast quickly.

I give my sibling and mother a kiss on the cheek and wish them a great day as I walk out the door. While I walk to my car, chilling wind whips at my exposed skin.

I haven't been more grateful about how my mother pesters me into always making me leave a sweater in the car.

On my way to school I come up with ways how I am going to find her and how i am going to approach her. I didn't want to scare her away or even anger her. She was quite intimidating even though she was very much smaller than me.

But I guess that saying that size doesn't matter is true.


I park in my usual spot near the back of the school.  I turn off the car and take in a deep breath.

I'm going to ask one of the soccer guys, they'd know of a girl like her.

But that meant being around Louis.

I thank myself for putting an extra deodorant in the car.

I take in another deep breath and get out of my car. I start towards the field where his crew would be. I said crew. I literally said crew.

There they were, leaned up against the fence talking about some party that they are planning.

"Hey guys."

Almost in illusion they all mutter a "Hey Styles" except for Louis. He greets me by my first name. I feel my lips tug into a small smile by the greeting, and he returns my smile. A small thing, really. But it made my stomach parade with butterflies.

They go back to their discussion of the party and through the mess of it Louis invites me. I don't necessarily say yes but I don't push away the offer. They all share a joint which I'm offered twice, but deny both times.

Zayn takes a long drag of the rolled up drug before picking up his bag.

"Alright boys I'll see ya around." And he walks away with that.

"Uh see ya guys around." I mutter before waving a goodbye. I run up beside Zayn,  throwing my arm around his shoulders.

"Aye Malik."

He looks up at me, a half smile forms on his face. Even though we were two completely different people, he being an artistic football player who does drugs while i'm a swim captain who aces all his classes, we get along pretty well. Might even consider him as one of my best mates.

"Styles, what can I do for you?"

Discomfort spreads through me as i am about to ask to find a girl. I feel like a stalker. I pull my arm away to scratch the back on my neck. I try to think of a lie that would sound convincing.

"I was gonna ask if  you know of this girl? Um she has black long hair, blue grey eyes, kinda pale, extremely intimidating. I saw her swim last night, thought she'd be a nice addition to the swim team." The lie came out almost instantly. I give myself a mental high five for thinking of such a good excuse and for not screwing it up by stuttering.

He thinks about it for a while, then he looks cautious to tell me.

"The only girl that comes to mind is Marina. Uh, she doesn't always come to school. So best of luck at finding her. She usually hanging around graffiti hill, so try there if she isn't at school."

"Alright, thanks man."

Just before I'm about to leave I feel his hand on my shoulder.

"Better not here that you're flirting with my girl, Styles." Although i'm confused about him calling her "my girl", i let out a laugh.

"I promise man, I'm not interested."



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