Nightmares of The Sun

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Chapter 3: Nightmares of the sun

A tall, slim figure slinked through the , passing tree after tree in his haste. The sylvan surroundings a comfort as he recognizes the chaotic unpredictability in this place, the Everfree forest.

The sylvan surroundings of the Everfree forest a comfort in their chaotic unpredictability.

The creature draws ever nearer, ever closer to his destination, and an unsuspecting pegasus

The sluggish draconequus travels fast as lightning through the stretch of wild and free territory, despite his . Only stopping once to rest at a large stump that obstructed his path. He was only a few short yards off from his destination, though he refused to go any further, at least, not yet.

Taking his seat on the now chair- turned- stump, Discord pondered what his next move should be. He would have to approach the weakling pegasus eventually, but how should he approach her in a way that seemed to her that he had come to extend the hand of friendship? Or did he want to discourage her crossing him outright without the whole "instilling trust" thing. It's not as if he genuinely wanted anypony's friendship after all.

And say things went as well as they could, all things considered, what then? Discord wasn't sure how much kindness he could bare to sit through.

Discord took a breath, and took in his surroundings. It was a shame he couldn't waste time here, the forest was unpredictable as always. Instead of fully appreciating the scenery however, Discord used this time to rant about all that wasn't going as he originally planned. It seemed things just wouldn't go his way.

"First those princesses practically dump me out of the castle shortly after waking; I mean, talk about harsh!" He shouts back in the direction he had opened the portal, though it was miles behind him now. He almost wished he could go back to it.

"And now I have to make 'friends' with the wimpiest little pegasus. Just wonderful!" he complains to the sky.

It was beyond Discord how Celestia drew Fluttershy's name out of the hat. What was worse, however, was that she honestly expected her to make the villain see the error of his ways!

The timid creature will have a , and flee at the sight, no, the mere mention of me!

He would say any other pony would have been a better choice, but really, no pony outside of the main pests could defend themselves against him. Most equines couldn't stand up for themselves considering all the perils they faced almost weekly! If you asked him, he was doing them a favor. No one would dare overstep him if he were in charge.

As for their hopes and aspirations affecting him, or their closed minded perceptions of their boring little world moving him? He reveled in the suffering of others, their pain his entertainment. There was no greater joy than watching their pathetic world crumble at his feet.

The current bearers of the accursed elements were little better 'friendship' material, too stuck in their own ways of life and their views are constantly grounded, established at their very cores.

They do indeed embody the elements of harmony, don't they?


And then there's Fluttershy. The only significant thing about that puny pegasus is her resistance to my chaos. It was as if I had found myself trying to move a stone wall, she was almost impervious to my influence.

Sure he had discorded her eventually ,when he could no longer take her pitiful nature, but his magic is all the more potent when powered by my emotions, such as anger, so was the case for any unicorn, or even the ascended alicorns princesses as well.

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