How Could WE Possibly Lose Faith?

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Part 1

Canterlot palace was still and quiet this morning. All the ponies slept peacefully, completely ignorant of the possible threat hung over their future happiness. Would Chocolate rain drown their hopes and chaos break their spirits? It was all her fault, and they would only hear of it from the mouth of the being responsible for their society's destruction. There was a good chance it would never come to pass, but Celestia and Discord had been fighting like this for thousands of years. To a pony their long lives would seem a n eternity, and their life continuing for all eternity again would be inescapable. All of ponykind and there on stood upon the shoulders of a small, weak and timid Pegasus pony. Sweet and innocent though she may be, it would take more than a pure heart and strong spirit to crack the encasement of a heart so long sealed off from the world. in a matter of days the world would either fall to chaotic corruption or chaos would finally come to peace with its existence beside a flourishing order. Perhaps the two sides of Discord and Harmony would never fully coexist, though if not then they would both be at war as long as time stayed intact.

The sun Princess took no joy in raising the sun this day with those thoughts coursing through her mind, especially not while she saw the moon had been lowered early. Her sister hadn't wished to stand with her, not even upon the palisade opposite her to help bring forth the dawn. Luna had been affected that much by her decision yesterday. Worse than that was knowing very little could dissipate this silent rage of hers. Her sister once was a energetic and curious filly, she would always enjoy dragging her sister around with her to show her the anomalies of this world, and to ask questions. Oh, so many questions about what things were and how they worked, and Celestia, not wishing to disappoint would come up with tall tales about how things came to be until she could ask Star swirl or research them herself. That was until she felt herself a shadow to the brilliance of said sibling. The ponies had begun to favor the night little beside the sun. The moon princess felt shunned and gave in to the defeat reluctantly. Who was she to think her sister and herself were equals? That was when the shadows began to dig into her consciousness. Luna was vague on the details of those days, and didn't take kindly to Celestia's prying. Even now Tia couldn't tell if her sister still harbored some of the pain from those days. She couldn't tell if it was for turning to the shadows, or ... if she still blamed her.

The current circumstances could only have sealed her judgment. What was she thinking of her now? Celestia asked herself. She would have to face her eventually, better to look now before Luna could find a proper place to avoid her easily enough not to ever be found. Then again, they both needed some space, giving her time to think would benefit both of them. Luna wouldn't want to see her so soon after she made that agreement with the chaotic tyrant who had already proven the full extent of his cruelty.

What had she been thinking? It was the only way she saw, and not only that, it was a way that they just might get the old discord back. He hadn't always been this way, and surely this would work. It had to. If it didn't he would forever reign over their Beloved Equestria. He would steal the elements and stow them away where nopony would be able to find them. If she hadn't made the deal he would have been stopped eventually, however, he would only break free of his prison again. Once broke the spell for that was weakened bit by bit, and overtime he has a taste of freedom he would only be more determined. Determination had always made him stronger, mostly because he had the power to back up his desires.

Celestia had tapped the outskirts of the castle with her magic, and just as she thought there was a barrier set in place of the clear skies. He had indeed trapped the two here, and had no intention of having them send for the elements. She couldn't find a blank sheet of parchment anywhere, much less her official documents for that matter. Oh dear... if this his idea of a joke? There was a week's worth of paperwork on her desk in just the past hour. The Draconequus had indubitably taken all of them. Now what does he expect me to do when everything could fall into turmoil in the next few days, eat cake?!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2016 ⏰

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