The Scheme of Things; Part 2

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The scheme of things Part II

Discord awoke abruptly, his throat sore from crying out in agony. He clutched the sides of his head, and panted, the dream had felt too real. He leaned his back against the tree and tried to laugh off the nightmarish scene from his mind. If Celestia's that horrifying in my imagination, I can only imagine how Lulu would appear. Unfortunately, this attempt didn't prevent his thoughts from recounting the events of his last imprisonment as a lawn ornament. Sure, the dreams exaggerated things a bit, but one thing did run true. There was his version of the stone age, but there was also the pain, he had thought things would be different.... but they never were, and never could be. He needed to remember that.

His ear twitched slightly at a gasp, and the shuffling of hooves, and he turned his head towards the sound.. What is it now? he thought irritably. That was before he heard it again, soft hoof falls alerted him of another presence. It was then that he saw a yellow pegasus darting for the cottage entrance. Funny, he didn't realize it'd ever opened. Hmm, could I have slept that long? Discord peered up at the sky, it was no longer lit the familiar shade of midnight purple, nor were stars scattered about. It was nearly sunrise now. He grunted, cursing the princess for waking him up so early, if they hadn't he wouldn't have had that dream, wouldn't have let his invisibility spell fade. Now Fluttershy was running away and-

That's when the Lord of Chaos face palmed himself, and really shook himself awake. He needed to catch that mare while she was still within his grasp!

The draconequus took his time stretching a moment, he'd catch her, there was no rush, though he wrestled with the voice in his head that from him to take action then and there. With one final stretch and snap of his fingers, Discord materialized before the mare and stared her down. "And where do you think are you going?" He asked, grinning mockingly.

She falls on her rump, and gradually to a stop. Fluttershy's eyes widen in terror as she raised her muzzle to into the eyes of the draconequus.

"You were in such a hurry, one would think you were afraid for your life." He said all of this in a threatening tone before remembering to treat her with courtesy and kindness as Celestia had prompted. from her current expression, being courteous, even in mock consideration would prove more successful Discord observed.

"Dis-Discord!?" Fluttershy cries out as recognition settles in, which only made Discord's eyebrows furrow, Who or what had she been expecting? He quickly recovered however, and stalked closer to the mare.

"Who else? Surely you couldn't think of a better run in than one with the infamous chaotic genius, that is moi?"

Discord frowns, hearing no reply from the pegasus, who was attempting another desperate dash across the lawn. "What is it my little pegasus, got your wings in a twist?" Discord just couldn't help himself, he grinned slyly as he snapped and knotted Fluttershy's wings in a tight knot.

Fluttershy turned her head, one eye open, afraid to confirm the returned villain's snap affected her appendages. Once she did, all thoughts of making a run for it were forgotten, not that it would have mattered, it had only been a distraction for Discord to appear behind her, blocking yet another escape.

Once Discord had used his magic to tie Fluttershy's wings together, he found he couldn't just stop there. No, he grinned, looking at his surroundings, this corner of Equestria's forest was completely isolated from all of pony society,. Nopony would know it if he were to change some other things around.

Now what do I have to work with? "Hmmm... I know!" Discord exclaimed wickedly.

"Wh-what are you thinking about...?" asked a cautious Fluttershy, she knew whatever he had planned couldn't be any good. The draconequus however, only chuckled to himself in response to her quiet outburst.

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