9. Healing Powers 2/2

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A/N: So, as I mentioned in the "Author's note" I'm not really very fond of writing this story anymore, but I don't like to leave something unfinished, so I'm back with a new chapter. This one is specifically dedicated to the_runner_on_fire who's also resposible for this part as it was her who commented my story and recommended it to others. So, a huge thank you belongs to her. And I also hope you will like this part. Please, leave any comment or vote so I know it really is worth the effort writing this story! 

(Also, if you are interested in Teen Wolf/Sterek fanfiction, go check my other stories "In the Depths of Mind" and "Stitches"!)

I couldn't move. My whole body felt as if it was on fire. My head was pounding and there was a sharp pain behind my eyelids. My throat was dry. Even though it bloody hurt, I tried to open my eyes, but they wouldn't obey. I was totally without energy. I had a vague memory of Newt forcing my hand on Tom's back, but I'm not really sure what happened after that. He said I was saving Thomas, but how could that be even possible, with only a touch of a hand?

I felt my consciousness slipping away from me yet again. And so I gave in.

The next time I was brought back to consciousness, it was by loud whispering near to where I was laying. I still felt too weak to even open my eyes, but I tried to focus on the voices, on what they were saying.

"I already said that I'm bloody sorry, Tommy. What do you want me to do about it now?"

"Well, nothing. Obviously."

"You two, just shut it. She'll be fine."

"Are you sure?"

I think it was Cliff's voice who answered, "Yeah. She's just tired, and sleeping. Whatever it was she did, it sure took a lot of her energy. She's really just sleeping, so if you two would just shut up, it'd be great."

"It'd be just too much to ask from them."

I still did not open my eyes, but I could feel them looking at me. My throat was soare and dry, and even the slightest whisper hurt, but I had to say my bit.


"Yeah, that'd be me."

"You were right, Cliff, she's gonna be just fine. Sassy as always," this time I prayed my eyes open and saw the three standing there, hovering above me. I smiled when I saw Tom, too.


"Hi yourself," he smiled at me and kneeled next to my head. "You feelin' okay?"

"Yeah. You? How's your back?"

I could feel his fingers in my hair, and it felt really nice. It felt like home, if that makes any sense at all. "Great, thanks to you, baby."

"Baby, huh?" I tried to grimace, and judging by the laughs I was successful. "So what happened?"

"You saved my life, by the looks of it."

"Yeah," I tried to sit up, but Tom's hand gently pushed me back to a laying position. "But how did I do that?"

He shrugged as Cliff was the one to reply, "Newt says you just touched him." I looked at Cliff, and he smiled. "Either way, you saved him, Cathleen."

"Yea, thanks babe." I laughed at the nickname. I actually liked it.

"I could get used to it, ya know?"

"Oh I bet." Tom grimaced and leaned down to kiss my forehead. Instinctively, I closed my eyes and savoured the feeling of his lips touching my skin. "But there's somebody who would like to speak with you."

Thomas turned his angry gaze to Newt, who was awkwardly standing behind him, with his hand scratching behind his neck. I looked at him, too, and another wave of anger shot through me. He hurt me, my sweet Newt hurt me.

"Hey, love."

He smiled sadly at me, obviously aware of what he did. And even though I was angry with him, I still smiled. I just like him too much. "Hey."

"I'm sorry."

"Straight to the point, I like that."

He chuckled and shook his head. "I know I shouldn't push you so hard, but ... you were saving him!" He exclaimed and threw his arms around. "I don't how you did it, but your touch healed Tommy's wounds, and I couldn't let you stop. I'm sorry, love."

I knew I had every right to be angry, and I was, but I knew how Newt must have felt. I myself was scared out of my mind, afraid that Tom will die, and I only know him less than a week. Newt and Thomas are best buddies.

"It's 'lright."

"No, no, no." He shook his head vigorously, and pushed Thomas to the side so now it was him looking me straight in the eyes as he kneeled in front of the bed. "It's not alright! It might have killed you! I might have killed you!"

"Newt, I'm okay, and so is Tom. So, don't you worry your pretty little head okay?"

Instead of a reply, Newt leaned down and lightly pecked my lips. I felt tingling all over my body and I smiled at him. We looked into each others eyes and I knew that we were going to be okay. Well, once the bruises on my wrist heal.

"Would you two mind telling me what was that?"

We both looked at Thomas, who stood over us with his arms crossed, and we just laughed.

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