13. The big day

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I was scared out of my mind. I mean, who wouldn't right?

We were all gathered in front of the gate, waiting for it to open. I was standing in between Thomas and Newt, feeling at least a little protected, but I knew that neither of them could save me from the Grievers, but I knew they would try.

Galy and Minho stood next to us, Alby was in the head.

Every single glader was there with us, to see us go and wish us luck. I guess it was good, but ... what if things go wrong down there? What would they do? What will we do?

"You can still stay here, love."

I turned to Newt and frowned. "Oh no, I'm definitely going."

He just smiled at me and it was then that the doors started to open. It was a horrible sound and it made me want to crawl under a rock and stay there. Instead, I took a step ahead and when Minho and Tom exchanged looks and nodded their heads, I followed them into the maze.

At first it was okay. It was still light outside, the world was calm and it didn't look all that scary when I had two of my best friends right next to me. Minho insisted that we move fast, which wasn't such a hard thing for me to do. I had no idea I could actually run this fast, but somehow I was able to keep my pace with the rest, which was good. Still, Newt and I were left a little behind.

It could be nearing the noon when we finally reached the section 7.

"What do we do now?"

Minho frowned, "it was supposed to be closed. But it's not so I say we go and see why not."

Alby and Tom only nodded, and Thomas turned to me and the other two. "You three stay here, okay? We'll go see if it's safe."

I was just about to protest, but Newt beat me to it. "No way, we're all going."

That's my boy!

"Newt, please," Tom sighed and he looked tired, or maybe he was just scared. We all were. "We don't know what's in there."

"Exactly, so that's why we're going, too. Gally, what do you say?"

Gally grunted something that could only be interpreted as agreement. There was no way that we would stay behind. And Thomas knew it, but I can't blame him for trying.

"Okay," Minho nodded his head, "let's go."

They all started to move forward, but I took Tom by the hand and pulled him back. "Tom?"

He looked at me, his look was so gentle that it made my heart ache. "What is it, babe?"

I smiled, "I just... I want you to know that I'm really happy I met you."

"Are you saying your good-bye in case something goes wrong?" I nodded my head and he smiled and pulled me into his arms. The rest was far ahead of us now, but I couldn't bring myself to care. Thomas was hugging me and it felt right. "I'm happy I met you, too, Cath."

And then it happened.

He leaned in on me and his lips connected with mine. It was just a small kiss, more like a peck, but it still happened and it had my heart racing. It was different than with Newt. The kiss with Newt was more real, but this one was tenderer and it felt right, too.

I smiled, "now I can die, I kissed you both."

Tom actually laughed. "Come on, Cath, or we'll lose them."

He took my hand and we started running. I was in the Glade for a very short time, but I already felt like I found my home in there. No, the place will never be my home, but two certain boys might as well be. Whenever they were, I could call the place home.

We were running for about three minutes, when we stopped abruptly. The scene in front of us was horrifying.

Alby was lying on the ground and Minho was kneeling right next to him. There was a lot of blood on the ground.

"What the hell happened here?!" Tom pushed past Newt and Gally and kneeled next to Minho. "Alby? What happened to him?"

No one said anything. Newt looked like he might faint any second and Gally looked ... well, like Gally.

"I don't know what happened, Thomas," Minho said slowly, "but an arrow or something like that hit Alby just as he was crossing this clearing. It was fast and I couldn't stop it. It came from nowhere."

I didn't understand what was going on, I couldn't listen to Minho telling Thomas why Alby is not moving. The blood rushed to my head, and it made me dizzy a little. But I knew what I had to do. It was a risk, I knew that, but I couldn't back down now.

Slowly, I walked up to Alby, and I sat on the ground next to him. I couldn't focuse on anything around me anymore. All I could see were his eyes, the life slowly fading behind them. I couldn't wait, I had to act, and fast.

So I reached my hand forward and put my palm Alby's chest. I closed my eyes and I focused on the pain in his body. It was different than with Tom. With Thomas, my body was acting intuitively, but not this time. I had to really concentrate on the hurt part, which was Alby's lower abdomen. I tried to remember what I did when Tom was hurt, but it wasn't working. I didn't feel anything.

"What's happening?" I heard myself whisper, but no one answered me. "Why it's not working??"

I looked up, and I searched Newts face for any clues, but he just shook his head.

"Newt?! What's happening? Why can't I help him?" I sounded desperate now, I knew I was crying. "Why it's not working?" I whispered again. That's when Thomas pulled me away from Alby's body.

"He's dead, Cath."

"What? No! He can't be! I can save him! Let me go, Tom!"

But he wouldn't let me go. He kept holding onto me, hugging me tight and eventually he let me hide my face in the crook of his neck. Alby was dead, I couldn't save him because he was already dead.

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