Chapter 4 - Meeting

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Jai's POV

I smiled widely at his name. Luke. Why didn't I get the name Luke Brooks? It's way better than Jaidon Brooks, or Jai as I enforce it to be. And besides, girls love the name Luke way more than Jai, even Beau's name is better.

And that's what i'm worried about.

Girls will like Luke better because of his name, and girls ALWAYS like Beau better for his outgoingness, his eyes and his, how do I say this... experience. Don't ask me how I know, my room is next to his, I can hear things okay.

"JAI YOU READY?!" Mum called. "YEP!" I replied, grabbing my bag and unplugging my phone. I rushed down the hall to be met by Beau's anxious eyes. "Hey, what's up?" He shook his head. "The roof!" He snapped, grabbing his bag and storming off.

I shot mum a what-the-fuck look. She sighed. "He's really worried about us meeting your father. He actually broke down last night and god was it scary." I looked down at my hands and sighed. Mum was right about when Beau breaks down, it doesn't happen much but fuck is it scary.


I heard the door slam and heard an angry scream echo through the house. "BEAU?!" I called out worryingly. I didn't get an answer, just feet stomping and the fridge being slammed shut. I opened my door and our eyes locked, his once pale green lively eyes, now red, puffy and blood shot.

"Beau," I said slowly. "What happened?" He stared at me, his eyes piercing right through me. If looks could kill... "Was it Kaitlyn-" "SHUT UP!" He screamed, pushing me over, making the bottle in his hand smash, a small shard of glass firing into my cheek. "FUCK!" I winced at the sudden pain.

"Don't even go there Jai!" He hissed. I tried to push him off but he just held me there. I then felt something warm drip onto my cheek. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Beau?" I felt more... tears drip onto my cheeks. "Sorry." He croaked, rolling off me and collapsing to his knees, exploding into tears.

"Fuck." I mumbled, sitting up, ignoring the pain in my cheek and hugging him from the side. "What happened?" He looked at me sadly. "I w-was about t-to ask her out b-but." He stopped talking suddenly, letting more tears flow. Kaitlyn meaned so much to him, so, so much. They are only friends, but as always, he wanted more, he is a Brooks after all.

"And I c-caught her m-making out with H-Harrison Walters!" He cried, breaking down even more. I rubbed his back. "Hey, shh, she just, uh, doesn't realize that you're there for you, and how amazing you are." I was never good at soothing people.

"NO!" He pushed me away. "IF I'M THAT AMAZING THEN HOW AMAZING IS HARRISON HUH? HE'S ALWAYS BEEN BETTER AT ME THEN EVERYTHING, ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING!" He stood up, paced around the room and then punched a hole in the wall screaming. "Fuck Beau don't!" He didn't listen, and instead grabbed my x-box and threw it out the window.


That hole in the wall is still there, just covered by an Essendon poster. A lot more things happened that night, I just don't want to recall it.

"Jai! Jai! You there!" I got snapped out of my trance by my mothers fingers clicking in my face. "Sorry what?" She smiled half heartedly. "You remembering the 'Kaitlyn thing'?" I nodded, grabbed my bag and went outside. I loaded in my bag and sat down in the back of the car.

I patted Beau on the shoulder. He turned around, black rings around his eyes that I didn't notice earlier. "It'll be okay, he's probably changed since we were little." He nodded. "Y-Yeah I hope." I bit my lip. "Just put in your headphones, we'll be in London in-" "About 25 hours boys." Mum cut in, starting the car. "Here we come Luke." I mumbled, putting on my beats and listening to Mumford and Sons.

The Same - Janoskians/Luke and Jai Brooks FanficWhere stories live. Discover now