Chapter 15 - Dreams Are Just Escapes of Reality

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Can I just say how much I love writing this? Because it's amazing I love how it's turned out it's nearly as good as Luke's ass... nearly.

~ Skylar xx

Jai's POV


(A/N Listen to Otherside ft Fences - Ryan Lewis remix while reading it idk it just suits)

I stared blankly at my reflection in the mirror, my eyes were red and puffy from crying, half of my face red from where I was burnt. I lifted up my shirt, seeing the huge burn the plate had given me. I looked like shit, but Luke was worse, way worse. He wasn't just burnt, no, he was being burried today, and I had to watch.

I fixed my black tux, ruffled up my hair a little, and walked out of the bathroom, my head hung low. I didn't want to go today, but I had to, he is- was my brother, he deserves this, a proper goodbye. I made it to the kitchen, mum was there looking at nothing imparticular, she's been like this all week. I don't blame her, she's been through hell and back, we all have.

I was about to hug her, when Beau walked in, his eyes burning into mine. "I didn't cause this." I said calmly, not wanting him to go off at me again. He laughed, his face suddenly going deadly serious. "This is all your fucking fault." He spat, grabbing his keys and storming out of the room. It wasn't my fault, wasn't it? I mean Luke did this, it was his choice. I guess grieving just fucks your brain a little.

"Ready?" James said, suddenly next to me, Daniel at his side. James was okay from the fire, just shaken up, so were mum and Beau, but Daniel was different. In the explosion, a shard of glass went into his eye, now he's as we call it half blind. 'At least he's alive.' I thought, sighing, grabbing mums shaking hand, leading her to the car.

The car ride was deadly silent, I could only hear everyone's unsteady breathing and the quiet hum of the car. I glanced at Beau, who's hands had gone white from the grip he had on the steering wheel. Most people would be upset, like the rest of us, but he was just angry, blaming me for all of this. "Beau, it wasn't his fault he couldn't get to him. He nearly died as well!" James said, making me feel a bit better. Beau didn't answer, just kept on driving.

We eventually arrived at the church, me taking a deep breath as I stepped out of the car. There were people scattered around the church, most family and friends, some of them even fans. Everyone fell silent as they saw us, the look of pity riddled on their faces. Beau groaned, shoving me roughly out of the way, walking quickly up to the stairs. I shuffled past everyone awkwardly, mum, James and Daniel trailing behind me, ignoring the looks we were given from everyone surrounding us.

I followed Beau up the stairs, who was stuck talking to our uncle Paul. I stepped into the actual chruch, my footsteps echoing throughout the huge old building. Some people had already filled up the chairs, 5 at the front reserved for us. Then I saw him, well, not actually him, I saw his coffin.

I walked up to the coffin and peered into it, seeing Luke. He looked so different, apart from the fact of being dead he looked so, so different. His face was white, along with his arms and what you could see of his chest from the suit he was wearing. I also noticed scaly burns going up his arm, that probably covered even more of his body. He didn't have his normal grin on his face, there was not one single emotion on his face. Reality suddenly hit me.

This was all real.

He was gone.

My brother was gone.

Luke was dead.

Everyone was eventually seated, Beau reluctantly was sitting next to me. The priest began talking, but I wasn't listening, I was just frozen thinking about everything's that's happened, just thinking about Luke, and how we had changed his life completely over these past few weeks.

Someone tapped my shoulder lightly, whispering my name softly. "It's time for Beau's and your speech." I gulped, seeing Beau already walking towards the podium thing. I stood up, and walked slowly up the stairs, standing next to Beau, who as always, was more confident than me, and spoke first.

He rambled on about Luke, and how amazing he was and all that. I noticed that a few tears were falling from his eyes, which made me even more upset than I already was. Everyone's eyes were suddenly on me, everything deathly silent. My ears aren't working today, everything is just numb, so I didn't know it was my turn to speak. Beau moved out of the way, me taking centre stage.

I stayed quiet for a moment, until my mouth opened. "I don't remember exactly my first days with Luke, I mean what do you expect I was still a baby. But I do remember the first day I saw him, that day changed my life, changed practically everyone's life around me. I knew he'd been through some shit, shit no one should ever go through, but he just shrugged it off with a smirk on his face, and focussed on the future, not the present.

He had his days though, where he'd just be upset all day, remembering what's happened to him. But you can't blame him. Most people would have crumbled, but he stayed strong through everything, all the way until his last breath, his last moments, where he saved everyone he loved, even though it meant he'd die trying-" I was suddenly choked up, unable to speak anymore, the lump in my throat so big it was getting hard to breathe.

Surprisingly, Beau comforted me as I cried, hugging me tightly, helping me down the stairs back to our seats. Mum took me in her arms, her purfume making my tears die down. "It's okay babe." She said strongly, rubbing my back, the priest beginning to talk again.

The world around me suddenly began to spin, Luke suddenly sitting in front of me, half of his face burnt, his skin melting off slightly. I screamed, falling out of my chair, everyone seeming to be frozen, everyone but me and Luke.

"It wasn't your fault." He said, me suddenly standing. "I mean, you tried your best, it was obviously difficult to get in and get out." He added, an evil smirk on his face. I finally noticed he said it sarcasticly, me backing away from him, my feet suddenly glued to the ground. Luke laughed, my gaze stuck on his skin falling from his face. "But why did it have to be me that died? I mean, I was the one that pressed it, I was the one in the middle of it, but I was alive, the explosion didn't kill me, it was the fire."

He stepped closer to me, a fowl smell following. "Smell that Jai? That's my skin melting. I bet you couldn't even bare the feeling of it, let alone surrounded by the smell." Tears were falling freely, I couldn't handle seeing him like this, this was what he looked like in his dying moments, but I couldn't handle it.

"Stop." I pleaded. Luke just smiled, a genuine smile, before fading away into nothing. My head began to pound, my knees buckled, causing me to collapse in a heap. Everything was suddenly fading away, even mum and Beau. "What-" I suddenly couldn't speak, I looked at my hand that was fading too. Before I was engulfed in darkness yet again, I heard a faint whisper. It was Luke. "Dreams are just escapes of reality."



I'm a tease i'm sorry.

It'll make sense next chapter!!

~Skylar xx

You're lucky I got this up before I went away.

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