The Sacrifice

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A Broken Boy

A Demon

A Memory

Who am I?

Stiles trembled with stress and tiredness, his limbs aching, he knew he could not hold on any longer. The doors to hell, open below him, fire crackled and demons laughed, awaiting their next meal.

Who would have thought his father would be the one to open the doors to hell? It had been an accident of course but now only he or his father could close hell's gate...with their lives. 

"Stiles, what are you doing?!"

He heard Scott's desperate screams.

Saving everyones lives, if I had to die I've always wanted to die a hero's death, lucky me Stiles thought.

"Its the only way!" He shouted back.

Scott had started to climb up, using his supernatural strength, he was next to Stiles in no time but Stiles refused his help.

"One of our lives has to end it or this worlds going to hell. And its not going to be my father's Scott!" Stiles snarled.

"There has to be another way" Scott whispered, choking up

"There has to be another way" Scott whispered, choking up

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"You know there there isn't" He said.

Scott took a deep breath, then he made sure Stiles was looking him in the eyes "Stiles, I swear, I swear that I will find you, we will find you and bring you back home"

He said it with such confidence and determination Stiles knew Scott would never rest until he did and no one would change his mind.

And that, that gave him some hope, some light as he looked at his brother one more time, not knowing it would be his last.

Stiles let go...

And fell into the mouth of hell.

Going Through Hell (Stiles Stilinki)Where stories live. Discover now