A Void

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(Two Months Past)

(Two Months Past)

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Everything ached. His limbs, his muscles, his organs. The boy huddled in on himself, trembling. And he breathed in and out.





Where was he?



"His waking up! Scott!"

He cringed at the voice, his body seemingly going on shut down, block it out, block it out... He couldn't even remember why anymore.

Voices equaled pain, he didn't know how he knew this, he just did.

He realised that he was on something cold, that gave a different sensation to his skin he was not used to.

He tried to pretend he was asleep as he felt someone touching him.

"Stiles" A voice murmured, this voice was deeper, more mature. He was suprised how light the voice was.

"We know you're awake" He heard, another voice.

The boy curled in on himself more, though opening his eyes, very quickly the light stung, he pulled back very quickly gasping in shock and pain, shielding his eyes. What was this? Why was it so bright?! A new method of torchure?

"Shut the blinds!" He heard someone snap.

The light suddenly became bearible and he opened his eyes reluctantly to take in, three beings standing in front of him. They looked human.

A boy, around his age, stared at him as if  expecting some kind of reaction from him, he stared back, bewilded.

What... was going on?

He couldn't cope with this!

A black man, who stood tall but wary watched him silently, looking into his eyes.

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Going Through Hell (Stiles Stilinki)Where stories live. Discover now