Let Me Out

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 Stiles laughed. He laughed.

"Yeah, be serious" He snorted.

Deaton didn't respond. Just looking at him with almost accusing eyes. Those eyes felt like they stared holes in him.

"Be serious" Stiles father snapped.

"I can prove it to you" The vet said calmly.

He was serious.

Deadly serious.

"That-that isn't true. I'm me. I'm human" Stiles said shakily.

He'd questioned his place in this world, this place with these people that he couldn't remember but some where coming back to him, though despite all that he'd believed, he'd known still he was human. A human that had been so used to pain, it felt familiar and comforting feeling.

Now this man, this vet, that had been wary of him from the start was saying the one thing he thought he'd truly believed, truly remembered, about himself wasn't real?!

"Really? Ever felt numb before? And in that time you didn't care about yourself, or anyone around you? You didn't feel anything for them. You didn't feel anything" Deaton said.

Stiles backed away from their stares, they...they didn't all believe him did they? Though he felt like he was grasping at straws, his voice raw "N-no. I was angry with Scott. You said I was dad! I do care for my father and I-I remembered Scott. I can cry! I just did, with Scott! And I'm fucking terrified of you right now! That's emotion, that's feeling!"

"Yes it is, but not all the time. You should feel emotion all the time Stiles, whether its bottled up inside you or not. You should be able to feel something all the time. Not switch it of at random. You know what I'm talking about don't you? That numbness that takes over sometimes, at that moment you feel nothing. And humans can't do that Stiles" Deaton said calmly.

"You're crazy" He snapped.

He looked at everyone else, Melissa, his dad, Scott. Their expressions, that sorrow, that fear, that pain...

His heart stutttered as the thought entered his mind, would he ever be able to feel something that purely and greatly? They could, apprently, humans could...

With a terrified almost sob, Stiles went to run away from all their stare. He say went to...

He almost reached the door when he ran into something solid, he hit it with a gasp of pain, almost falling down. But-but that was thin air! Stiles hands pressed against the invisible barrior, nothing gave way.

"Mountain ash?" Scott asked slowly, eyes wide as what ever it was affected Stiles.

"No, look up" Deaton said.

They all did, gasping at what they saw. A wiccon looking symbol was drawn on to the cieling.

"Its called a Devils trap" Deaton said grimly and added seriously "Designed to catch demons"

"You've got to be joking! Let me out!" Stiles almost screamed. His heart thudded hard in his ears, he felt dizzy.

Let me out, let me out!

He screamed and cried as the walls closed in, squashing down on his chest and body, pushing and pushing. He was being suffacated alive. He could barely breath. The demons cackled in his head and outside of it.

Let me out! LET ME OUT.

Different type of torcher they'd decided on going on. Each day, down here, walls just pressing on him until his rips cracked. Everything healed faster in hell. They'd wait for it to heal while using other torcher on different parts of his body then once they healed he was in hear again. Screaming.

Let me out.

Once again the walls pulled back and he fell to the floor. He was dragged to an upwards position, to stare at the shape of a human but he could feel the demon within.

After every torchure...

"Do you want this to stop?"

In other words, do you want to become a demon...

And every time. 

It was always tempting but-

He promisedhepromisedhepromised.

He promised he'd come for me...

"No" Stiles choked out, or a simple shake of his head if his tong had been ripped out, they liked to do that, do that and watch it grow back or if he simply did not have the energy to talk.

"Let me out!" Stiles screamed, tears running down his face, his body trembling. Banging against the barrior, panting.

"Deaton" Scott said shakily. At first he didn't believe but why would Deaton lie, and Stiles didn't remember...

"Is their a way to heal him?" Melissa asked, her voice broken.

"Turn him human again? No" The vet said.

Stiles grasped his head, shaking "Let me out!" He choked out, between sobs, eyes red and watery. After one last bang on the barrior Stiles collapsed on the floor, trembling badly.

"He can't be" The sheriff said, pure pain in his voice, watching his son break apart.

Then Stiles felt the numbness grip him once more, at first he tried to fight it but with the pain he was feeling right now he soon gladdly let it overwhelm him.

They watched as Stiles body stopped trembling and he sat up, his eyes dull, his body still.

"Stiles?" Scott asked trembling.

"Yeah?" Stiles said, his voice bland.

He looked at Scott, watching him.

"How are you feeling son?" The Sheriff asked slowly.

Stiles frowned "Feeling?" He muttered.

"Yes" Scott said quickly, trying not to be impatient.

"Nothing. I don't feel anythingHe said then he added looking at them "A demon huh, well lets see, so what happens now?"

And for the life of all of them, they didn't know.

Going Through Hell (Stiles Stilinki)Where stories live. Discover now