Chapter 20

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Joey's pov.

I was sore and hurting. Blood kept pouring from my mouth yet at the same time, down my throat. The metallic taste was so pungent and gross i just can't explain it. Daniel's menacing and smug look made me want to kill him. Right before his hand with the knife came down i used my now failing energy and i kicked his stomach making him fall backwards. I stood up and ran away from him. He chased after me and two very built men joined him. Oh and let me just say that these guys look like the guys you see in those action movies. You know, the ones with the giant muscles yet they run like they're in the olympics or something. Yea....i'm fucked.

I pushed past the door and into the yard as i jumped the fence and they were hot on my trail. The air had become frigid and cold and i could see my heavy breath as i ran. There was thick woods behind his house, just great, another way for me to get lost.

I pushed my way through tons of low hanging branches and leaves just running as fast as my legs would carry me. Taking in the fact that i have pretty long legs i had a bit of an advantage.

Daniel: You can't run forever joseph.

Joey: Oh i'm aware of that, but for now i'll just outrun you.

I suddenly ducked when i heard gun shots. I could hear them passing me and one of them brushed past my ear making me scream. I fell and tumbled into the leaves as they caught up with me. Remember what shane taught you.

They went to grab me but i pulled the knife that i oh so conveintly forgot about from my boot. I jabbed them both in the leg and i dead legged daniel as i scrambled up running again.

Now it was just daniel after me and the two other men trying to keep up.


My lungs ached and my breathing felt more like i was trying to swallow a two foot icecicle whole. In other words, it fucking hurt.  I finally saw a spot that wasn't too illuminated by the moon. I ducked into the darkness praying that he didn't see me. I hid behind a somewhat wide tree and i tried to keep my breathing quiet by inhaling and exhaling through my nose just so they wouldn't see me. They stopped right in front of my tree and i think i stopped breathing all together.

Daniel: Ugh, he's hiding. Go find him NOW.!!

They split up and as soon as i thought the coast was clear i used all of my energy to run around the woods for a few minutes and back to the house. I'm guessing it's the adrenaline because if i were normal right now i would probably have passed out from all the danger i just put myself into. I somehow managed to get back to the room even though security was heightened.

Shane's pov

Everyone was sobbing when joey ran out everyone except me. I had so much faith in joey, i just know that he'll get through this. I've taught him well and i know he's smart. He's a quick thinker and an even quicker doer.

After twenty minutes i put my head down when i heard gun shots. My baby is an angel now, he'll watch over us. After another ten minutes the door swung open and a bloody leaf covered joey appeared in the doorway with the biggest smile.

Everyone: JOEY!!!

Joey: Ugh shut it, do you want me to get caught too?

He grabbed the key which was conveinently placed on the wall and he undid our chains. Oh god he's gonna be so fucking sore when this is over. This is the biggest adrenaline rush he's ever had and when it wears off he's probably gonna panic and pass out.

Rose: Oh my god joey thank you so much.

He helped us all stand and we regained a little stregnth. He walked to the room next to us and threw it open to reveal.

Joey: I present to you, the weapons room. Or daniel's "Boss room"

Knifes and guns lined the walls and this made me VERY happy. I grabbed about six knives for my collection and two guns just for fun.the rest grabbed weapons and we made our way through the building.

Joey: My car's in the back, we just have to sneak out.

We ran outside and daniel was standing there with a crazy smile. The look in his eyes screamed mental, it honestly scared me.

Joey: This can be easy daniel. Just let us get through.

Daniel: Over a year i've tried to get to you. OVER A YEAR!!!

Joey: Daniel i'm sorry but you and me will never be together.

I rolled my eyes and threw a knife hitting his shoulder. He screamed and fell over as men rushed to his aid instead of chasing after us.


Joey flinched at his words and we got to his car piling inside. Joey stomped on the gas and quickly drove us back home. I think he's trying to do as much as he can before his adrenaline wears off. He got us all inside and cleaned and bandaged our wounds and made a hot pot of tea.

I could tell he was winding down because his normal fast paced walk was turning into a slow painful limp. He groaned almost every movement he made. He got us all blankets and he finally fell onto the couch. I pulled him on top of me and his head rested on my chest as we both laid down. The movie in the background was quiet so it wasn't completely silent.

Shane: I'm proud of you joey.

Joey: T-Thank you.

His eyes drooped shut and soon enough my little hereo was fast asleep. But something made my stomach turn. Daniel's words, this is was graceffa. They've been buzzing through my head like a whirl wind. This relationship has put joey into so much danger. Some days i just wish we never would've met.

Rose: Shane, stop thinking about it. It's been a long day for all of us. Just sleep and we'll talk in the morning.

I nodded and shut my eyes as i rubbed joey's back. His little snores made me giggle and his nose twitched. Even in dire circumstances, joey always knows how to make me smile.

But there is a war coming between us, and i'm not sure if i'm ready for it.

Author's note

Hey guys. Sorry if this book seems like an old war book. I'm not sure what's gonna happen, i mean i THINK i know but eh. I'll try my best to update soon, i have exams this week so i'm studying a bunch. I hope you liked the chapter. Now, i'm gonna go, i love you all, bye byeeeeeeeee <3

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