Chapter 14

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"He didn't come back?" I started to panic

He shook his head

"We can't do the show without him."

"No shit."

I rolled my eyes "Text him."

"He wont answer, I even tried to call him."

I sighed. I then, grabbed Jorel's arm and pulled him into the dressing room. Johnny was sitting down on the couch with his head in his hands. Danny was pacing around the room and Matt was trying to text and called Jordan. Matt groaned in stress and threw his phone on the couch, roughly. Matt groaned again "Fuck!" He kicked and banged on the wall

"Calm." Danny sighed

Matt didn't reply, he just placed the top of his forehead on the wall "This can't be happening." he whispered to himself

I sighed and sat down next to Johnny. Jorel came and sat beside me.

"We gotta find him." I rested my head back

"Where would he be?" J-Dog looked at me

"Anywhere, it's LA." Johnny said looking down

I looked at johnny and gave him a 'bitch' look. I stood up

"What are you doing?" Johnny sighed and glared at me

"I'm going to find Jordan." I walked out of the room. Tw people followed me. I turned around once we were out of the room. Jorel and Danny smiled at me "We're coming." Danny looked at Jorel and smiled. Jorel smiled then nodded


We walked out of the building


It's been about a hour and we looked almost everywhere in Hollywood

"We're not going to find him." Danny sighed

"Don't loose hope, Danny." I put my hand on his shoulder

He looked at me and smiled, innocently.

"Don't go gay on me now." Jorel laughed

"Fuck you." I chuckled

"There is one place we didn't check." Danny said

"Where?" I looked at Danny

"The motel beside the bar."

I didn't say anything. I grabbed Jorel's and Danny's arms and pulled them to the car. Once we got to the motel, all 3 of us, ran up to the receptionist.

"Is there anyone named Cara here?" I asked

"She just checked out about 15 minutes ago."

Jorel pushed me away from the receptionist and stood there "What room?"

She looked down on a paper "156." She gave us the key

We ran up the stairs and went into a hall. We walked in the hallway and scanned the door numbers.

"Found it." Danny pointed to the door

I unlocked the door and pushed it open

"Jordan!" I called out, walking into the room. I sighed "Look around for any clues." 

They both nodded and started looking. A few minutes later, Danny opened the bathroom door and gasped.

"What?" Jorel walked up to Danny and his eyes widened.  I looked in between them and I felt my eyes get teary. Jordan was laying in the middle of the bathroom, foam all around his mouth, red neck, blood on his neck and face and his eyes were closed.


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