Chapter 35

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Johnny's POV

-3 day's later-

"Have they found her body?" Jorel asked

I shook my head slightly

"Dylan's up." Charlie sat down beside me

"Are we going to go see him?" I asked

"Well, we gotta tell him." Charlie laughed "Me, you and Jorel will go. Matt and Danny, you guys stay here."

Matt nodded

"I wanna come." Danny wined

"No. You and Johnny already hate each other. We don't need anymore fighting." Charlie sighed

Danny sighed "Fine."


"D-Dylan." Charlie walked into Dylan's room with roses

"Are you asking me to marry you?' Dylan laughing, looking at the flowers

"No." He laughed handing the flowers to him

"Why thank you, Sir Charlie." 

Charlie smirked "Okay. We gotta tell you something." Charlie looked at me and Jorel "Well, they gotta tell you something." He backed away, letting me and Jorel standing there

"What is it?" Dylan looked at us, his smile fading

"Long story short: Peyton risked her like for Johnny." Jorel said quickly

Dylan was in shook "How?"

"I can't do this." Jorel walked out of the room

I sighed "I tried to kill myself."


"Peyton saved me."

Dylan looked down and sighed, tears rolling down his face

"D-Dill, I'm sorry." I laid on the bed and hugged him

"It's not your fault." He wrapped his arm around my neck 

"It's Danny's." I said

"No." He looked away from me "It's mine."


"I was being stupid. I kissed her. If I didn't kiss her, she wouldn't be dead and I wouldn't be in the hospital." Dylan sighed

I looked at Charlie. He was smiling slightly, but tears were rolling down his face. Charlie slowly walked towards the bed and laid down on the other side of Dylan.

"I love you guys." Dylan smiled

"Love ya too, Dill." Charlie pretended to kiss Dylan

"Love you too, Dylan." I smiled


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