my dragon mark

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(Justins pov)
Hanna what are you talking about the dragon riders are gone they've been dead for thousand of years now there's no way I'd be one not after all this time they wouldn't just reappear and I haven't got a dragons mark yet I should have gotten one by now if I really was a dragon rider and as soon as I said that me head started to throb and my neck started to burn

(Hannas pov)
As me and my annoying boyfriend fought over whether the dragons riders could still be alive or if they had actually died years and years ago I noticed he started to rub his head and his neck so I stood up walked over to him pulled his shirt away from his neck and there it was his dragons mark that all dragon riders get after they turn 16

(Dylan and Caleb's pov)
Justin you have it you have the dragons mark so you really are a dragon rider b...b...but how they have been gone for thousands of years why now why you and if your a dragon rider that means your parents what will happen when they find out and what will happen to them when the other riders come for you if they do come that is

(Justins pov)
it can't be I can't be a dragon rider if I am that means I'll have to disappear and leave all of you behind and my parents'll be

(Hannas pov)
Stop justin don't think about it baby don't just focus on the present of trying to figure out why the dragon riders have shown up after all this time

(Time skip library)

(Dylan's pov)
Justin I think I found it I think I found out why they have resurfaced now after so long

(Justins pov)
Here let me see it. it says when a dragon riders dragon sleeps or dies the dragon rider....

Yes I know Clift hanger sorry read the next chapter to find out what happens when a dragon riders dragon sleeps or dies

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