reaching my village in time part 2

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(Justins pov)
I'm still 2 hours from my village and I can feel the other riders presence and there dragons there are about fifteen of them maybe more we should speed up and get there faster Alex

(Alex's pov)
Your right as seeing the elder rider is there and so is someone you might want to meet

(Justins pov)
Who might this someone be Alex you now I don't like surprise's

(Alex's pov)
It's a rider called rider he's not just an ordinary rider through I'll explain when you meet him likely in battle (in head convo with him self )
To bad you'll meet him in battle seeing as how he is your

(Justins pov)
Hey Alex Alex ALEX

(Alex's pov)
What sorry I was lost in thought

(Justins pov)
Well get out of lost id thought there's smoke coming from the direction of my village and that can't be good I've never seen smoke like that from anything but a burning village

(Alex's pov)
Your right but don't worry we'll make it we will were only a few miles away

(Justins pov)
I hope so if not I'll track down and kill every rider who attacked my village

(Time skip arriving at the village )

(Writers pov)
Justin and Alex arrive at the village go find it set a blaze but no riders or dragons near but all of the villagers safe except for his friends and his mother and father

(Justins pov)
Elder where is the elder

(Elders pov)
Justin my dear boy you you we all were told you had died so how are you here why are you here is there something we should know

(Justins pov)
Yes elder there is some thing you should no but first no I didn't die I ran away and I'm here looking for Hanna Dylan and Caleb where are they

(Elder )
The riders took them they took ur parents to now what is it we should now

(Justins pov)
Just as I feared huh but what you should now is (whistle's) ALEX COME HERE

(Alex's pov)
I'm coming Justin be there in a second

(Writers pov)
As Justin called Alex and Alex came flying over head the elders was stricken with fear as he thought another rider had come to take more of them

(Elders pov)
Everyone hid its another rider quickly don't hesitate

(Justins pov)
No no no everyone its OK this is Alex and he's my dragon and I am his rider

(Elder pov)
Justin it can't be your a rider so so that means you you can save us all

(Justins pov)
I'll try to do my best but I am going to save you guys and I'll be doing something(interrupted)

(Josh's pov)
Hahahaha I knew this was the village your scent was everywhere and I could smell it was old but very strong now let's get down to business rider what is your name and what is your dragons name

(Justins pov)
My name doesn't concern you and my dragons name is for me to know what is your name and what have you done to my friends tell me know

(Josh's pov)
You will respect me I am the son of the elder rider if you don't I will (interrupted)

(Riders pov)
Josh stop you need not speak like that to him or do you not remember what the elder told us about him and about me about us

(Justins pov)
Quite stalling and tell me where my friends are now or I'll beat it out of you

(Riders pov)
Calm down one young well take you to see them but only after you do two things one calm down and two show me that you can defend your self hand to hand

(Justins pov)
Why hand to hand Im sure you can beat me in it but is it because you know I can't win or is it because you scared I can control my fire better then you so you can't challenge me to that

(Riders pov)
Ha-ha I'd be happy to have a fiery battle with you but unlike all the other riders I can't control fire its something to do with my dragons inability to control fire so lets start

(Justins pov)
I'm not here to fight unless I have to I'm here to get my friends back

(Riders pov)
What about your parents young rider do you care what happens to them

(Justins pov)
No I don't care to them I was a freak nothing more nothing less just a freak that's why I ran away I was going to come back two years from now until I sensed danger that my friends were in harms way and I was right

(Riders pov)
Well then if you don't want to fight you don't have to I guess this will just be a one sided beat down

(Writers pov)
With that he lunged towards Justin swing one missing twice missing then a third time with a direct hit right to justing lower jaw justing falls to the ground and rider stands above him and laughs evilly

(Riders pov)
Your weak rider.. .let me guess you've trained and trained to control your fire but not once have you trained your fighting style with out the fire let's make a deal you come with me and I'll teach you just as I was by are father

(Justing pov)
What do you mean are father my father is the village leader and my mother is the villages top doctor we don't have the same father or mother so tell me what you mean

(Writers pov)
As rider stands above justin Justin kicks up hitting rider right in the stomach then he quickly gets to his feet and and swing hitting rider with a left hook to the chin then another to the gut then another direct punch to the face rider stumbles but does not fall

(Justins pov)
You will tell me were my friends are and you will tell me were my parents are and until you do I'll keep putting you down

(Riders pov)
You really think they are your mother and father no your parents were riders but when the knights attacked are base when we were children they took you and put you with the ones you call mom and dad your real parents are dead now they died 3 years ago that's when I started looking for you for the last rider who could breath fire in are family and now I've found you and I will make you one of us

(Justins pov)
What's your name I need to know your name and the parents you speek of I want there names to but first take me to my friends

(Riders pov)
My name is rider and are parents names were Alex and Alisa as for me taking you to your friends there's one thing you must say and keep you must not attack the other riders or try to break your friends out of the riders base if you do you will be killed

(Justins pov)
Fine just take me to them now I need to speak to them about something

(Riders pov)
Come follow me I'll take you to them also bring your dragon the elder wants to see him

(Justins pov)
Alex let's go

(Alex's pov)
I don't trust you rider but I will follow my rider to the end of the earth

(Riders pov)
Your a.......dragon

Ok everyone ik this one was pretty long but I wanted to end the parts part if my story for now so hope you enjoyed this and I'll update again soon but also for those of you wondering rider is Justins brother and justin s parents he's called mom and dad for years are not his real ones his real parents died the exact day he got his powers and the your a.....dragon the dots are to fill in the blank space for a word so

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