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(Dylan's pov)
Someone's coming guys and it sounds like they are having a fun time with each other I don't have a good feeling about this

(Caleb's pov)
Same here but Justin said he didn't betray us and I trust him and he said he'd get us out of here but it'd take time remember

(Hannas pov)
My magic won't work in here or we would have been able to find out who's coming but I can't so well have to wait and see

(Justins pov)
Hanna Caleb Dylan guess what I've been able to set you guys free but you'll have to come with me for a while I have things I need to tell you there very important things only we shall know ok

(Dylan's pov)
Why can't you tell us as we walk

(Justins pov)
Because it's not something that's official yet

(Time skip)
(Small conference room)

(Justins pov)
So here it goes I will be the new leader of the riders I will have full command and only on a few conditions but the biggest one is that you guys are free and to never be harmed by a rider or there dragon but I'll need no I won't need you guys to but I'd like you guys to be my right hand man and my front line fighters and Hanna you'll be the dragon queen if you want to be of course so Hanna (gets down on one knee) will you be my dragon queen

(Dylan's pov)
I knew you'd betray us but no I won't help you take me back to the village and never come back or even say you now me

(Caleb's pov)
Justin I understand you want to ride with the other riders but how could you

(Justins pov)
Because we learned about the knights right well when the riders were well known they worked together the knights and riders well the knights betrayed the riders and killed most of us off they'd learned are weaknesses so it was easy but that's not why I said yes that reason is because they kidnapped me and my real parents searched for years if my dragon blood awakening but it didn't until they died you know why because I was the second child and I only get my powers when both parents die so that's why I said yes so that's why I "betrayed you guys and to think I thought because we were friends no sorry I ever thought we were friends at all so bye a rider will take you guys back to the village you Caleb and Hanna if she wants to go(looks at Hanna)do you want to go or will you stay?

(Hannas pov)
(Hannas head)
I want to stay but these are the riders but then he's my boyfriend and I love him ughh I don't know what to do (out loud)
I don't know what I want to do ok i love you and your my boyfriend but these are the dragon riders we've never heard anything good about them ever

(Justins pov)
Hanna that book you had its more special then you think it tells you the past present and some times the future that's why the knights gave it to your mother and father because your father was the knight who killed my father's dragon and two other villager's dragons which in return he gained super strength as Dylan did but only temporarily because he didn't kill 3 in a row so I'll let you ask the book for a answer is that fine with you

(Hannas pov)
Yes I guess's fine

(Justins pov)
Dragon boom I command you to answer my question to answer it with nothing but the truth

(Hannas pov)
Should I stay with Justin seeing he is my boy friend and I love him or should I leave and never come back seeing he is now the leader of the dragon riders

(Book page)
I can not answer this question seeing it is obvious what you should do all I can tell you is that you need to follow your heart and i will make it so with this situation you will have nothing but your heart to follow and i know you will make the right choice

(Writers pov)
With that the book flashed red white the black and shut

(Justins pov)
Hanna what is your choice

(Hannas pov)
It's obvious isn't it I will.......

(Side note)
Ha-ha hope you guys enjoyed this chapter I know another cliff hanger but it makes you guys want to read the next chapter right but as to the point of this not I'll be adding a new collectible item to the story its a real life item and there's a game for it to but the ones in here will be ones I made my self so they won't play the game for a while you'll see the game on the next chapter it is a card game so

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