riding my dragon

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(Dragons pov )
My name is Alexander but you can call me Alex for short but if you ever call me ally or al I will kill you even if your my rider

(Justins pov) all right the Alex but let me ask can I call you Allen and if not its OK but also if we plan to make this trip a 3 day thing then we should get going now

(Alex's pov)
You may call me Allen when we're alone but around the other riders or dragons you must call me Alex or Alexander understood and yes you are right we must get going so get on and make it snappy you annoying human

(Justins pov)
Yes I understand and OK no need to be such a jerk I am your rider and as I said before I will respect you if you respect me and now that I'm on you how do you expect to fly with out me falling off

(Alex's pov)
No need to fear falling off a rider will never fall from his dragon unless he jumps off and then the dragon will always catch them when they do jump off now prepare for me to take off

(Justins pov)
Jumping off sounds crazy and I like crazy and how do I woh woh wooh wooh next time you launch ur self from the ground let me get ready

(Dragons pov)
I told you to get prepared but you just wanted to talk now be quite as we travel back to your village I don't like talking while in the air

(Justins pov)
OK OK fine I won't talk but just so you know we travel for two days then stop get food and go back on are way and we need to stop at a village on the way back I have money that they owe me and I'm ready to collect it now

(Alex's pov)
Fine fine just shut up already

(Time skip 2 days later)

(Justins pov)
There's the village Alex but it looks as if someone's been here and not in a good way

(Alex's pov)
Your right rider that's because another rider has been here probably in search for the rider that the fellow dragons have sensed

(Justins pov)
So there's another rider kid like me out there to some where
(Alex's pov)
No you are the last one to appear for a while so they are searching for you but seeing you've gone so many places they can't track you right your smell is in to many areas

( Justins pov)
My village we need to get there now right now my friends and family could be in danger can you make it there by toady or no

(Alex's pov)
If I rest for an hour I can make it there with in 2 hours but I need complete sleep for 1 hour exact any less and I won't be able to do it anymore and it might be to late to save your village

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