seeing my friends

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(Riders pov)
Your a legendary dragon your colors I've never seen one with them so the elder was right about you now follow me your friends are just a few miles away from here

(Writers pov)
As Justin and rider flew to the riders base still not knowing each others true power or true reason for doing what they are Justin could have just left his village for good and rider could have killed him so why didn't they do it why did Justin come back why did rider not kill him.....they arrive at the base and rider walks justin to his friends

(Dylan's pov)
Caleb Hanna someone's coming get ready

(Caleb's pov)
I know I heard them stick to the plan

(Hannas pov)
Remember swing fast and hard right to the stomach

(Justins pov)
I can hear you guys and what your planing so don't try it

(Dylan's pov)
Justin is that really you how did you get in here did you betray the village and join the riders if you did I'll kill you

(Caleb's pov)
Dylan calm down its Justin were talking about he didn't join the riders he's probably snuck in to rescue us

(Dylan's pov)
Then tell me how he found a hidden base and nows exactly where they are keeping us he's betrayed us

(Hannas pov)
He didn't betray us I know he wouldn't do that to you to he might but not to me

(Writers pov)
As Justin came face to face with his friends he still tryed to assure them he did not betray them

(Justins pov)
Dylan Caleb Hanna this is rider a rider now (looks at rider ) I need you to get her for me

(Rider pov)
I can't do that my orders atebto keep them in the cell

(Justins pov)
Fine then go to the end of the hallway or let her out either way I'm going to have a private convo with her

(Riders pov)
Oh really now who do you think your bossing around

(Justins pov)
The loser who can't use fire

(Writers pov)
The last comment infuriated rider but he knew Justin would be a challenge if he used his fire against him so he walked to the end of the hallway and waited to be called back

(Justins pov)
Hanna I need to know about two riders they would have died 3 years again one the day I got my flames

(Hannas pov)
Ya ya I read about that in the dragons book ughh the dragons book you must get it before they do it tells you everything about your powers and everything there's also stuff I couldn't make out because it was written in dragon tounge but you might be able to read it all you must find it and about your parents they umm died 3 years ago you got your powers and they had two sons one didn't have a name he was to young the others name was rider the guy you were with but y did can't be Justin he's your brother but that means your the son of the two most powerful dragon riders to live what color is your flame and what color is your dragon

(Justins pov)
Ok OK I'll find the book and my flame is black and my dragon is black and red but lately I've noticed a slight white color under his scales and when he fly's or is in battle his red and black lighten to a whitish color not a lot but a noticeable change to me why

(Hannas pov)
Your kind of dragon hasn't been seen since the first dragon rider passed and his dragon died you have a legendary dragon no not just legendary you have a dragon king dragon his word is absolute to all other dragons they will listen to anything and everything he tells them

(Justins pov)
Wow Alex is a very cool dragon he's very nice and most of all he's very fast now back to the main topic I'll talk to the dragon elder to get you guys free again OK but give me some time and don't do anything stupid or I won't have a choice but to kill the riders early yes I plan to kill them all except rider if I can convince him to join me

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