Late Wake Ups.

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*Kyle's P.O.V*
I wake up to the sound of Josie yelling. "BABBEE" She yells. Once. Twice. A third time. I wake up. I sit up lazily. "What?" I say with a tired voice rubbing my eyes. "You've been sleeping forever it's 3:00pm! You needed to get up" she says sounding kind if worried. I clear my eyes. My mind blank for a moment. "Sorry I've been tired lately" I finally say. "Its alright don't apologize" she says smiling. I smile back at her. "What do you want to do?" I ask. She shrugs her shoulders and opens her mouth as if she wanted to say something but then closed it again. "Not sure" she says. I sit there thinking for a moment. "What do you wanna do?" She asks. "There's not much to do really" I say running my fingertips through my hair. She looks at me. "Wanna go on a junk food run?" She asks. I look at her smiling. "Sure" I say. She gets up. "Race ya!" She yells running out of the room. I get up weakly almost falling over. I feel drugged or something. I walked in the living room putting on my hoodie as while Josie was already ready. I put my arm around her and we walked out of the apartment starting for the store.

*Johnnies P.O.V*
I've been awake for like an hour not moving. Far too comfortable to move. Far too warm. I couldn't go back to sleep either. I finally decided to get up and noticed that Kate was sitting up against the wall staring at the other side. She looks at me and smiles. "How long have you been awake?" I question. "About 2hours 2&ahalf at the most maybe" she replies. "Have you just been sitting there the whole time" I ask. "Yeah" she laughs. "I don't know why" she laughs again. I smile. "I've been awake for like an hour and didn't notice you were I awake" I say chuckling. "Yeah I didn't wanna wake you". We sit there in awkward silence for a moment. "Wanna go bowling?" I ask out if no where. She laughs. "Sure why not" she says then gets up and leaving the room.

(A.N)Short Chapter I Know Sorry!!Comment Ideas Please!! I'm Struggling..

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