Can we adopt?

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Stormie's Pov

i've been thinking about how all my babies are growing up, my oldest is 24, and my youngest is 18, i miss having little ones in the house, and sadly i'm too old to have anymore children, i really want to adopt but i don't know what my family would think, i see my husband outside sitting on the deck and i decide to go out and ask him what he thinks about it, "Hey Mark can i talk to you?"

"of course Stormie"

"i've been thinking of maybe adopting a child, what would you think about that?"

"i love that idea, i've been wanting another kid, but i didn't know what you'd think" he says

"lets go see what the kids think then" i say

"lets go" he says

"Family meeting in the living room" he yells up the stairs

the kids come running down the stairs and crowd on the couch and look at us

"what would you think about having another sibling?" i ask

"wait are you pregnant" Rocky asks

"No, i laugh i'm too old for that, but we want to adopt"

"i love the idea, can we get a girl" Rydel asks

the others agree with her, "alright lets go then!"

we get in the car and drive to the orphanage across town, once we arrive we walk into the old building,

"hello how can i help you?" the lady asks

"we're here to adopt a girl between the ages of 5 and 7"

"well we have a few girls, let me call them into the playroom "

after a few minutes 14 girls come down, "go ahead and talk to them, let me know when you decide who you'd like to adopt"

Rydel's Pov

When the girls enter the room i see the two cutest little girls with light brown hair and blue eyes, i walk over to them first and begin to talk to them, i find out their names are Sadie and Sophia, and they're 5 years old, they both like to sing and dance, could i find a better fit into our family, probably not, i call the rest of my family over and let them talk to Sophia and Sadie, and they instantly fall in love just like i did,

"would you girls like to be adopted by us"

"yes" they say excitedly

my parents walk over to the lady and tell her we want to adopt them, while they're filling out paper work, i take the girls to their room to pack, they each only have 4 outfits and 2 pairs of shoes, "we're definitely going shopping" i tell them

we walk back downstairs and load into the car, my parents announce we're going to the mall to get the girls clothes, and stuff for their rooms,

"girls what's your favorite colors" my dad asks

"Pink" Sadie says

"Purple" Sophia says

"okay, boys we're going to get the furniture and paint while the girls get clothes"

we walk into the mall, "don't worry about the price, get whatever you want" mom says

we walk into justice, my mom walks off with Sadie leaving me with Sophia,

"what's your style like" i ask her

"i don't really know, i've never had a lot of clothes before" she says

"well lets get you a little of everything then" i say

she smiles at me and we begin to look at clothes,

"do you know what size you are"

"no" she says

let me check, i check the size on her clothes and see she's a small, i help her pick out over 20 shirts, 15 pairs of jeans, 10 pairs of shorts, 12 dresses, and 10 skirts, and 14 pairs of leggings i also help her pick out some PJS, a robe and underwear, we also pick out jewelry, tights, shoes and slippers, we also pick out some bedding for her new bed, and plenty of pillows, we completely fill our cart, we walk over and find our mom and she she did the same thing with Sadie,

"ready to check out, mom asks"

" yep" we say

after $500, we walk out with bags full of stuff,

"wanna go look for toys now" she asks

"you mean we can have toys too?" they ask excitedly

"yes you can" mom says smiling

"we go to build a bear and let the girls create their own bear, then we go into the toy store, they each pick out barbie dolls, hello kitty stuff, a few games, and craft sets, and some stuff to play house with, then we go check out.

i feel a tugging on my shirt "delly, i'm hungry" Sadie says

"me too" Sophia says

"how about we find the boys and go get lunch?" mom suggests

"sounds good to me" i say

we put our bags in the car, and walk over to the furniture store just as the boys are coming out, "they're going to deliver the furniture in an hour" my dad says

"want to go to lunch then" mom asks

"yeah, i'm hungry" dad says

"okay lets go" mom says

we drive to Wendy's and walk in, "what do you want to eat" i ask the girls

"chicken nuggets" Sadie says

"Cheeseburger" i say

i order their food and mine, "hey girls i'm going to the bathroom, do you have to go?"

"yeah" they answer

we walk into the bathroom and go into the big stall, i help them up on the toilet and wait for them to finish, before i go, then we wash our hands, by the time we walk out of the bathroom, i see that our food is sitting at the table, i hand the girls their kids meals, and begin to eat my food.

within 20 minutes we finish eating and we get back into the van, we drive my brothers and dad home so they could set up the girls rooms, they take our bags and then drive off to go to the grocery store to get some food, and toiletries for the girls, once we walk into Walmart, mom walks off to get the food, and i take the girls to get stuff for their bathroom, we get stuff for their hair, shampoo, soap, and all the necessary items, we walk back over to the grocery section to find my mom, we find her in the produce section getting fruit, "girls go get snacks and drinks you will eat" mom tells us

i take the girls to the juice aisle, they pick out apple juice and grape juice, then we go to the chip aisle, and get the some chips, we walk over to the frozen food area where my mom is picking up frozen pizzas for dinner tonight, "what kind of pizza do you like" she asks them

"cheese" they respond, once she gets the pizzas we go and check out, once we load everything into the van, we begin to drive home, the girls fall asleep on the way home,

"they must be tired after a long days worth of adventures" mom says

i agree with her, we finally reach home, i wake the girls up and we walk in, i go upstairs to see how the boys are doing on their rooms,

"almost done" dad says to me

i go back downstairs and cuddle with the girls, and slowly fall asleep on the couch with them.

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