Beach Day

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Rylands pov

I wake up in Sophia's room, i see she's still sleeping, she's cuddled up to the teddy bear she made yesterday, i lay there with her for a few more minutes before i decide to get up, i walk back into my room and see its 9:30 am, i get dressed and walk downstairs to see everyone but Sophia eating breakfast at the table

"good morning Ryland" my mom says

"morning mom"

"where did you dissappear to last night bro?"

"Sophia had a bad dream, so i stayed with her"

"awww" Rydel says

"is she still sleeping" mom asks

"yeah she is, do you want me to wake her?"

"yeah, she needs to eat breakfast so we can go to the beach today"

i walk back upstairs into Sophia's room and gently shake her "Sophia, wake up. It's breakfast time"

she opens her eyes and slowly makes her way out of bed, "come on, lets go potty, then we can go eat"

i help her go to the bathroom, and help her get dressed, once she's ready we walk downstairs to see my mom finishing up more food for us, mom puts some french toast and bacon on out plates, she practically scarfs her food down "what are we doing today?" she asks me

"we're going to the beach"

"What's that?" she asks

"its basically a place with lots of sand, and its right next to the ocean"

"cool, but i don't know how to swim" she says sadly

"it's okay, i'll teach you"

"Really?" she asks excitedly

"yep, me and Riker both"

"alright kids go get ready for the beach" mom says

we run upstairs and begin to get ready, i put on red swim trunks and a hollister shirt, i to Sophia's room and help her get ready, she picks out her Disney one piece swimsuit and purple flip flops, once she's ready, we grab our surfboards, football, volleyball net and ball, food, coolers, extra clothes, towels, sunscreen, stuff to make sandcastles with, and stuff for a bonfire tonight, just as we begin to load into the van Ellington shows up and hops in with us

"who are these two tiny people?" he asks

"Sadie and Sophia, our new sisters" Rydel says

"cool, i'm Ellington, but you can call me Ell, or Ratliff" he says

i snuggle into Riker's chest and watch as we drive down the Pacific Coast Highway, after an hour of driving, we arrive at the beach, and i have to say its really pretty here, Riker grabs my hand as we walk onto the beach, its kinda weird walking in the sand, once we find a good spot with not many people around, we sit down, "do you girls want to make sand castles?" Ross asks

"yeah, but we don't know how" Sadie says

"Watch me and learn" Ross says

he fills the bucket with sand and then flips it upside down, making the perfect little sandcastle , Sadie and Sophia take their own buckets and make their own masterpieces, after an hour of them making sandcastles, we decide its time for them to learn to swim, "come on girls, you need to learn how to swim" Riker says

the girls get up and we slowly walk into the water, "okay, all you do is kick your feet while you stroke your arms at the same time, watch Ross

Ross shows the girls how its done, "can you try that" i ask

they nod, Sadie begins to mimic her brother while Sophia struggles a bit, "this is hard" she whines

"i know, do you want to stop?, i can always help you at home, it might be easier in the pool" i say

"okay" she says sadly

we go back to the shore and she sits on the blanket, when i look at my phone i realize its already 4:00, "you hungry kid" i ask

she nods, i give her some fruit snacks, while she's eating she's watching her sister swim with Ross and Riker, "don't worry, you'll get it" i say

she smiles at me "i sure hope so"

after she finishes her snack, we decide to play catch with one of the balls we brought along, we throw the ball back and forth for a while, but then the boys and i decide to play football, i tell Sophia to sit back on her towel with her sisters and mom and watch us. she walks over and sits on her towel while i walk over to the boys, Alright Dad and Ellington are team captains, pick your teams

Team 1




Team 2




Rydel's POV

the boys decided to play football, leaving the 4 of us girls alone,

"what do you girls want to do now?" i ask

"i don't know" the twins say

"want to go get ice cream" mom asks

"YES!" the girls say

we walk to the nearby ice cream shop, i order vanilla with sprinkles, mom orders chocolate, and the girls order strawberry with sprinkles, we take our ice cream back to our towels and eat it while the boys continue to play.

we look at the time and see its almost 6:00, almost time to eat dinner, and have our bonfire, we call the boys over to tell them its time to start making dinner and the fire, they go to the car and get the grill out, while we gather wood for a fire.

within 15 minutes, the hamburgers and hotdogs are cooking on the grill, and a beautiful fire is lit, we spend the rest of the night enjoying each others company, eating lots of yummy food, and making smores, in a few days the girls begin school, i hope they're as excited as i am about them going, but somehow i doubt it.

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