Chapter 21

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Elsa's POV

At brunch I start walking to my regular table when Hans stops me. "Hey Elsa. You're still coming to dinner tonight right?" His face is hopeful and bright. "Um...yeah.""Great. Oh, and wear something nice. My parents are...classy. Ok see you then." He turns and runs off to another table with some other guys. I go over to my table and sit next to Merida. "Hey Elsa! You getting food?""Yeah. In a sec." Punzie walks up hand in hand with Eugene, "Hey you guys!""Hey Punzie.""So did you hear about the upcoming dance? It's going to be super awesome. Except for the fact that...the principal said that Dreamworks have to accompany Disneys." Merida chokes on her water, "WHAT!! That's crazy! Can't we just go by ourselves?!" Punzie sighed, "Nope. Principal Desmond specifically stated that every Disney must go with a Dreamwork." Merida bangs her head on the table, "Is there any other way?""Five months of detention and a week of summer school.""Five!!" She continues to bang her head. While Merida is freaking out, I feel amazing. Jack and I can go! We can actually do something in public together! "Oh well...I guess we'll just have to deal with it." I say faking my disappointment. "Well uh, I'm going to go get some food." I get up and walk over to the snack line. There isn't really a line though because most of brunch is already over. I grab a tray and then move forward. A voice calls me from behind, "So did you hear about the dance?" Luckily it's Jacks voice. "Yep.""...I'm probably the only Dreamwork who's excited.""And I'm most likely the only Disney!""So you're going with me right?""Of course, stupid!" He chuckles. After we both get our food, we go back to our tables. I find Anna and Kristoff sitting there and I resume my spot. Anna looks at me curiously, "So what did that bully want with you.""Well, he actually asked me to the dance." This time it was Anna's turn to freak out, "He what?!" I nodded. "And you said yes?!!""Well we have to go with someone who's a Dreamwork. So, why not." Anna just turned, "Whatever."

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