Chapter 33

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Elsa's POV

I walk through the crowd, over to the refreshment table. I open a cooler and grab a Coke. Leaning against the table, I snap it open and take a sip, letting the fizzy carbonation slide down my throat. I'm enjoying my drink when I suddenly hear a voice calling my name. "Elsa! Hey Elsa!" I look up and see Hans waving as he squeezes through the crowd. He walks up to me, "How have you been, Els?" I hold an expressionless face, "Fine.""...Well that's...good." He examines me up and down. "You look...superb." I roll my eyes, "Gee thanks.""...Elsa...I'm sorry...about the other night." I roll my eyes again. "Elsa, I truly am. I shouldn't have rushed all that on you when we just recently met." I stay silent. "I just couldn't resist because..." He draws closer to me slowly and reaches his hand up to my cheek. "I love you too much." His face is closing in on mine. His eyes shut and his lips desperate for the touch of mine. I shove him away, "What the heck are you doing?!" He falls into some people and they push him up. He's angry now, "Elsa, don't you see?!" I turn away from him and close my eyes, trying to control myself. "Ever since that very first day when I laid eyes on you I've loved you! So much!" I feel anger and cold start to make it's way through my body. "That first night, when you came over, you broke my heart! Why?!" My anger starts swelling up inside of me, "Enough, Hans." His voice is filled with anger. "No! Why?! Why not even give me a chance?! You aren't even with anybody! WHY WOULD YOU JUST SLAM THE DOOR AND WALK AWAY?!" The cold has taken over my body, and anger and fury get the best of me. I turn around swiftly and face Hans with an outstretched hand, "I SAID ENOUGH!!" The ice flies from my fingertips and the entire room seems to back up and gasp. I stare at the school, frightened. I look at my hands. My horrible, horrible hands. I'm scared of my own power. I look back at the students and see Hans, his face full of realization and terror. I'm hyperventilating, gasping. "What-what have I done?" School staff members start rushing through everyone to get to me and my ice. I back up, slowly at first, and then I whip around and make a run for the front door. I hear footsteps speeding after me, and I quicken my pace. I fly through the front doors and continue running down the street. Not stopping for a second to look back. Darn, why did I wear heels? I hear footsteps behind me that are twice as fast as I am. They suddenly stopped. They didn't slow down, they just...stopped. Hands grab my shoulders and I am lifting up into the night sky. I kick and yell, "Hey! Let-let go of me!" Higher and higher we go, into the air. "Who the heck are you anyway?!" The voice behind me answers, "I thought you'd recognize your own boyfriend, Snowflake!" I whip my head around to see Jacks smirking face. "Jack!" He pulls me up into a cradle position and I hug him tightly, "Thank you, Jack.""Anything for my Snowflake." We hover in the air for a while, just enjoying each other's company. I lift my face from his chest, "Jack...""What?""What are we going to do?"

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