Exciting News

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Okay so basically I have been watching streamers/youtubers for quiet some time now and I really love the idea of getting to connect with people and make them happy bc that is what I have always wanted to do was make people smile! And so for the past 2/3 months I have been searching up how to start a twitch channel and the things I will need for a gaming channel!
I recently shared my love and passion for wanting to produce content just for fun and to make people happy the way streamers and Youtuber make millions of people happy! My dad came to me and asked me about it I explained to him what Twitch was and that I was really interested in it! I told him about obs the mic I wanted to get along with other things like how good out internet speed was and different things like that!
After talking about it I asked if I could use the really nice pic bc he uses his really good laptop for editing photos (my dad is a photographer) and since my little brother got a laptop for Christmas I really wanted to use it! With the 3 monitors we have!.
Not expecting him to say yes he actually did seeing how much I wanted to grow as a streamer! He also said he will help me get anything else I need but I was gonna have to start same and not with top of the line products just I case if I didn't commit to it!
So I'm gonna start cleaning up my room and making room for a desk and a place to put my set up! I'm soooo happy guys I have been wanting to do this for so long! I almost cried when he told me I could use all of his old set up!!!
So yeah I already have a twitch account if u want to go follow it you can its PastellGamerr
I won't be posting content for a while because I still need to set it up but it would be nice to have people already there!
I will keep all of you posted on how my set up is looking and things like that and when my first day of streaming will be starting! This also means I will be able to use wattpad on my own computer! I will also be making yt videos aswell!! So yay i am so excited I wanna talk to everyone who reads my books bc you guys are awesome!! But until then PEACE OUT CAKES STAY FROSTY!!!!

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