chapter 5

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Hyungi pov.

"...we are wolf..." suho say, those word keep replaying in my mind and it took me a while to process, "YOU GUYS ARE WHAT?!!!!" i shout. "Wowow, reaction is to big, i say, we.are. wolf." Suho repeat. "WOW! COOL, I NEVER THOUGHT WOLF IS REAL. ITS COOL RIGHT UNNIE?!" I say and turm to them, both of them mouth are hung open and their eyes were wide. "Unnie...?" I walk to them and push their mouth so that it is close.

"Wow... wolf actully...exists..." chanhee unnie say. And yeeun unnie are just standing there shock.

"Okok, no need to be so shock, there is more shocking things we will be telling you." Suho say.

"WHAT IS IT?" the three of us ask together.

"Ok, you guys has been experience weird changes right, and also, the Eclipse is near, just a two more weeks and it will be Eclipse." Suho say.

"" Yeeun ask.

"I think, you guys are wolf as well."suho say, "all these changes only happen when it is near the Eclipse and it only happen to people, which are changing to wolf. But, why are you guys changing to wolf, that i dont know." Suho say. ".......... WE ARE WHAT???!!!!" OMG, i shout so loud that EXO cover their ears. Well, i was so shock, its ok to be shock right,

"Um... am i in a dream??" Chanhee ask as she sit on floor. "Nop, not a dream." Kris says.
"O. m. g this is to much for me to excpet... why... why are we wolf...? How...? When...? Why....?" Yeeun ask as she keep on walking around.

"I think is because you are related to someone who are wolf." Suho say. "Whats does it means?" Yeeun ask.
" it means, maybe your father or mother is wolf." "But... all of us are orphans!" I say outloud.

"WHAT?! OK, WHICH ORPHANAGE ARE YOUR FROM?!" "Wowow, chill hyung. Why are you so surprise??" Baekhyun ask. "Because...beacuse... me, Chanyeol and baekhyun have a sister and... they are not wolf, in our wolf world, people that are born as human are not allowed and will have to KILL them. But our parents dont wan and send them to an orphanage that orphanage name is, XOXO orphanage."
(Make it up cant think of anything XDXD)


"Ok, i need you to bring us there right now, maybe the people there know something."

Suho say.
(Fast forward)

Suho pov.

We reach XOXO orphanage and we walk in the room, i assume is the people who are in charge is in the room.

Chanhee knock in the door and someone say "come in" we went in and the three girls hug the women inside. "Ohh! Hey, you come back visit!"
" yea mrs kim, but we are here to ask something important." "Oh you sound so serious, come on lets sit down, and the guys over there, please come here as well." She say and we went to the big sofa and sat down.
After that, we tell her everything and ask her if she know anything.

"*sigh* looks like you guys have found out in the end..." she say and our eyes widen O_O "What you mean?!" I shout amd she flinch. "Oh... i am sorry, i am very anxious to find my sister..." i say and bow. "Oh, its ok and 19 years ago when this three girls were born..."

Mrs kim pov.

I was at my office doing my stuff when someone appear in front of me, i almost scream but they cover my mouth. Telling me that they sre not bad person and they need my help. I nod and they let go of me. "Um... how to i address you?" The women ask me. "Oh, um... just call me miss kim (i was not married that time)" "ok, miss kim, we needed ur help, you see we are wolf and..." "WOO, WAIT, what did you just say?? You guys are wolf, thats... thats so impossible." I cut her of. "Sigh, i knew you wont believe us but look, why did we suddenly appear in front of you just now?? Obviously is because we teleport inside right." Ok, thats crazy, i think i need go check my brains soon. I thought to myself, "hey, look, you are not getting crazy and you no need to check your brain." She say. "Um.... did i say that outloud? Or... did you guys read my mind." I ask

"Obviously is we read your mind." "Oh.... ok, looks like you guys are really wolf." I say and they nodded. "Ok, look this few girls here are born and in our world, we, wolf cannot have human and we did not know why they are born as human, and if human baby are born, we need to kill them, but we dont want to do that so we decide to put them here." She finish off and my jaw drop. "Wow,this is... so crazy, ok we will take them in and how abot the name?" I ask them. "About the name, the girl here we will name her as park Chanhee her brother name is park chanyeol,this wan will be kim Yeeun and her brother name is kim joonmyun aka suho and this wan is jyung hyungi, her brother name is byun baekhyun. If the brothers are here, just tell them eveything,we have to go now." She say and in a blink of eyes, she is gone and the three babys are left asleep on the sofa.

Flashback end.
Back to suho pov.

"Wow, so you guys... are...are indeed baekhyun, Chanyeol and mine sister..."
I say, "this... this... is impossible." Chanhee say and run away, "UNNIE!!" the other two girl shout and say "sorry, guys and brother, we have to go after her first, come to my house if you jave the time" yeeun say and guve us her address.

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