Chapter 7: Doubts and Dark Dreams

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"No one knows the secret, but it shall be known," said a familiar voice, coming from a master Bernadtte didn't know the name of, yet saw in the Dagobah Jedi Academy plenty of times.

"I don't know. I'm not sure we can trust Bernadette, and Master Yuchi already does!" Ebrenu Windu's booming voice said in retort.

Bernadette was greatly puzzled at hearing this. She was behind a wall, or at least she thought she was. Her last memory was sleeping, which gave her the notion she was seeing a vision and, due to her feeling with the Force, the vision was happening at the present.

"Bernadette is a wise girl, Master Windu. I can feel it," replied Master Edjwa, crossing his arms as if in the middle of reprimanding a child.

He sighed. "I... I know, Master Edjwa. It's just that.... Look, I know you can remember clearly what happened to my granduncle decades ago, and you know how he died."

"I know, Ebrenu. But you have to trust the Force. It's telling us something. It tells of a threat, but it's not Bernadette," replied Edjwa.

"I must admit, Master Edjwa, Ebrenu is right. I don't trust Bernadette," said another Jedi Master.

"Neither do I," said another.

Everyone in the room soon added in on this information, everyone except Edjwa, Me-Kyo, and Tunt, Machi's Master, nodding in affirmation. "Edjwa, your olden skills must have you wrong. You are clearly outnumbered, younger and older Jedi alike."

Bernadette winced at the thought. An entire panel of powerful Masters disliking and distrusting her? She doesn't like this one bit....

"Windu, that is just a number. But I feel what I feel, and Bernadette is perfectly fine," he snorted.

"We don't know the way your mind works, Master Edjwa," said Ebrenu, shaking his head with a smile. "But trust me, we're surely keeping an eye out on her."

"Fine. Do all you like, but don't hurt the girl," said Edjwa, waving his hands as if dusting them off.

The Masters nodded, all leaving the room. Meanwhile, Me-Kyo, who has kept silent all this time, asked, "Edjwa, I thank you for putting trust in Bernadette."

"Bernadette is definitely trustworthy, Me-Kyo. Could you believe them? Not seeing the wonderful Jedi Bernadette really is?" Edjwa slouched as he leaned on the wall.

"Edjwa, I couldn't believe them myself. But I do admit there's something not right, and it somewhat involves Bernadette in it."

"Maybe that's what raised their suspicions, but I can feel Bernadette isn't the threat. I don't know how she's involved as the Force won't tell me, but you have plenty of reason to... Wait, Me-Kyo. Are you doubting Bernadette?" Edjwa raised an eyebrow.

The thought was ridiculous to Bernadette, but it was right before her. "Of course not! I trust Bernadette with my life!" Not exactly with your life, Master, she thought sadly, realizing the sheer doubt in her Master's voice. But she understood, especially since she knew her true identity.

Edjwa stood on his own feet, going to the open doorway. However, before he could close the door behind him, he said, "Be careful in saying lies and truths, Me-Kyo. For all we know, Bernadette or even the real threat could be listening." He walked off.

Me-Kyo could feel her head pounding in obvious confusion. Bernadette winced in suddenly feeling the aching pain of her heart, emerging from the shadows and to her side. At this moment she was obviously just like a ghost there, but she tried and placed a hand on her shoulder. She suddenly jerked up, as if feeling it. Bernadette backed up a bit. "Who's there?"

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