When you meet-Fred

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Today was the day! The day that they were going to release 'Robots vs Dino's!' It sounded a little childish but you didn't care. You've waited almost 4 months for the comic book to finally come out and today was the day to get it!

You were practically running down your street to the nearest comic book store. When you arrived you looked inside to see if anyone else was there. Lucky just a few people mostly little kids.

You walked on in making the bell above the door ring, then the man behind the counter asked if you needed any help finding a book. You said no in the kindest way you could. You knew what you wanted and you were going to get it.

You seen a little kid holding a comic book that said 'Robots vs Dino's' on it. You suddenly rushed over to where he was. There was only one more left! As you reached your hand to grab it someone beside you beat you to it.

"Hey, that's my comic book!" You said sounding like a little kid.

"Wow," was all that he said.

You looked at him and he looked at you. I guess he dozed off because he dropped the comic book on the floor which gave you another chance to get it back. So you picked it up and started walking to the cashier.

"Hey, wait!" The guy said.

"What you'll never get the comic book back," you said holding it up so he could see it.

"No...I..I wanted your number" he smiled.

You were a little surprised that he wanted your phone number but at least you got the Robots vs Dino's

"Here" you gave him a tiny piece of paper with your name and number.

"I'll text you the ending," you smiled holding the comic book while walking out the door.

"My names Fred by the way..(y/n)" he said coming outside with you.

"Nice to know," you said blushing a little.

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