When your jealous-Hiro

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"Hey Hiro," you said walking in his room. You had nothing at all planned for today so you decided to hang out with Hiro, he is your boyfriend.

"Hey," he said working on mega bot not even looking at you.

"Do you wanna go do something?" You asked.

"Not now I'm busy," he sounded irritated at you and his bot.

Too busy for me?

"I can't believe you Hamada!" You snapped.

"I'm just busy right now ok?" He snorted back looking at you now.

You stared at him, he stood up and came to you inches away from each other.

"I'm sorry.." He spoke.

"No I am, I'm the one getting jealous over a robot," you said a little embarrassed.

"Don't blame yourself I shouldn't have been a jerk and payed more attention to you...why don't we go get some ice-cream to cool down?"

"Sounds like a plan," you nodded.

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