When he's sick-Fred

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"Hey Fred! Ready to go skateboarding and eat at that hot dog place? I feel great now," you said imagining everything in your head.

"Ughh- sorry (y/n), not feeling it today," Fred said looking sick and tired.

"Oh my gosh, did I get you sick?" You asked suddenly feeling bad. "I shouldn't of kissed you," you added.

"No it's fine, it was worth it."

You grabbed one of his blankets, "well come on," you laughed a bit and walked outside with Fred. "The fresh air should make you feel better in no time."

"Thanks (y/n)," Fred replied as you both laid down on the blanket just like you did yesterday. "But no kissing this time, I don't want you to get sick again."

"Ok fine," you confirmed rolling your eyes a little.

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