Die for you

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*Andy's P.O.V*

We would be leaving to tour tomorrow and I didn't want to leave Jasmin, but I had to. I love touring and I wouldn't trade that for the world. I've worked so hard for this and I wont give it up. Tonight was Sunday and we just wanted to have a lazy day today.

I watched Jasmin sleep and it was adorable. She had her mouth slightly open and she was breathing softly. I kissed her on her forehead and her eyes fluttered open. She smiled, 'this is how I would like to wake up every morning. Sucks your leaving for tour tomorrow.' I let out a sigh, I held her for the longest time.

She looked up to me, 'I want pizza.' I started laughing because that came out of no where.

'Alright, I'll call a pizza place.'

'With wings? and breadsticks?' I laughed at her.

'Yeah just for you baby.' I gave her a kiss and went downstairs. I called the pizza place with the house phone and they said that they would bring the pizza in 30 minutes. I was just about to walk upstairs when Blu attacked me. I fell backwards and he started licking my face. I tried pushing him off of me but he was to strong so I just let him lick my face. I figured he would just get off of me when he was bored but he just lay on me instead.

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and then what sounded like Miriam laughing. 'Getting a little frisky with the dog I see! Pretty kinky if you ask me.' She started laughing and just walked right by me.

'Ugh I can use a little help here' I said hoping that she would come back and help me.

'Fine, but only because your dating my cousin. Come here Bu!' The dog automatically ran over to her. I got up and mumbled a thank you. 'Yeah yeah whatever Biersack.'

'You probably wont want to eat anything'

'Are you trying to call me fat?' She gave me a death glare and I shook my head quickly.

'No, I ugh ordered pizza so yeah.'

'You better mean just that.' I started laughing and threw my hands up.

We started talking about random things, she was so sassy. I told her that she was and she said that she was aware of that. She was a really cool chick. We were interrupted by the doorbell and I figured that was the deliver guy or girl. I went to go open the door and I forgot my wallet. 'Hey Miriam can you bring my wallet?' I yelled opening the door. The lady greeted me and handed me my pizza, wings, and breadsticks. She told me how much it was going to be and Miriam threw me my wallet. I paid her and closed the door.

'I should go wake up Ashley' Miriam got up and went to go get Ashley. Jasmin came downstairs and she looked at all the boxes of pizza with wide eyes. I started laughing cause there was a lot, I ordered 5 boxes of pizza because we eat a lot. 

'Wow thats a lot of pizza.' I set the pizza down on the  table in the kitchen. All of the guys came running into the kitchen.

'Did someone say pizza?!' Jinxx said opening the first box of pizza. They all looked like savages getting 4 peices or more on their plates, and getting a whole bunch of wings. 

Finally Jasmin came down talking to Miriam and Ashley. There was already 3 boxes free of pizza cause of all the guys that were now gathered around the tv in the living room. I got a plate and served myself some food. Jasmin only got one slice of pizza but a bunch of wings and Miriam did the same. 'Didn't you say you wanted breadsticks also?' 

'Yeah but we kind of eat them after.' Jasmin said with an innocent smile. We walked into the living room and sat around the tv. Blu and Beau were sitting beside me so I gave them both a wing. They at it happily and begged for more, I'm not kidding they were whimpering. So I gave in and gave them another one. 'If you keep on feeding them they're going to keep wanting more.' Jasmin whispered into my ear.

'Look at their faces, who can deny those faces.' She just giggled.

The rest of the day went by with nothing really eventful happening. It was actually a lazy day, the whole day me and Jasmin stayed in our PJ's. The rest of the guys went out, so by the end of the night it was just me, Jasmin and Miriam in the house. We were just hanging out in the living room watching movies. The guys wouldn't be out to late knowing that we had to get up early. They probably just went to the bar to have a couple of drinks.

'I'ma go to sleep, I'm getting pretty tired.' Miriam said with a yawn. With that she got up and headed downstairs with Beau right on her heal.

'Goodnight.' Me and Jasmin said at the same time. She mumbled something before she was out of sight but I didn't hear it. 'What did she say?'

'I don't know.' I said while shrugging me shoulders. Jasmin yawned and made the most funniest sound and I couldn't stop laughing.

'Okay it wasn't that funny!' Jasmin playfully slapped my arm.

'Well your obviously tired so lets get you to bed.'

'No I'm-' I didn't let her finish, I just scooped her up and walked upstairs with her. 'Baby put me down I think  I'm capable of walking myself.'

'But then what's the fun in that!' I laughed evilly and started running towards the bedroom. She started kicking around and punching my back trying to get out of my grasp. 'If you kept on moving I will drop you!'

'You wouldn't dare!' She gave me the looks of dagger and I shot back an evil smile. We were already in our room and I dropped her on the bed. I heard her mumble something like asshole and I just shook my head laughing.

'What was that baby? I couldn't hear you over all the love I have for you.'

'Oh my god you did not seriously just say that!' She started cracking up laughing and I joined her. I laid down on the bed and she cuddled close to me. 'You are so corny I swear.' She mumbled into my neck.

'I know but I love you so that's all that matters.' I kissed her head.

'I love you to.' Her breathing was slowing down and getting steady so I knew she had fallen asleep. This moment was perfect, with me and her just laying here, and her just in my arms. I kissed her forehead and closed my eyes.

I woke up with Jasmin still cuddled to my side. I turned off my alarm and woke got out of bed trying not to wake her up. I failed and she sat up rubbing her eyes and sighed. I knew she really didn't want me to go but she understood that this was what I had to do. 'Go back to sleep for a little while.' I told her.

She just shook her head and said that she would help me with whatever I needed help on. I took a quick shower and when I got out Jasmin wasn't in the room. I went to go look for her downstairs and found everyone in the kitchen eating pancakes. 'Did I take seriously take that long?' Everyone nodded. I sat down and started eating, 'The bus is going to be here in about 30 minutes so double check to make sure that you have everything.' I was looking specifically at Ashley. He would always forget something.

The bus had arrived and we went to go put our stuff in the bus. Jasmin and Miriam had been really helpful and helped up load merch and a whole bunch of other stuff. We were ready to hit the road and unfortunately it was time to go. I pulled Jasmin into a really big hug and gave her a long kiss. 'I'm going to miss you.'

'I'm going to miss you to. Don't forget about me in these three months.' I chuckled lightly and gave her another kiss. I went to say bye to Miriam and I just gave her a short hug and said that I would miss her. The rest of the guys went to say there goodbyes and then we headed in the bus.

'Why do goodbyes have to be so hard.' I said out loud to no one really.

'These three months will go bye fast, it'll be like we never even left.' CC said patting my back. I went to go lay in my bunk, trying to get some sleep but I couldn't. Ashley was in the bunk across from mine and he pulled his curtain open.

'You do know we can still Skype them right, so you don't need to worry so much.' I nodded and closed my eyes drifting off  to sleep.

Sorry this is so short and sucky /: pls don't hate me. Kay thanks. 

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