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I feel so horrible this was supposed to go up last Sunday, but as usual it never does so let me just try and make this chapter as long as I possibly can. Oh and I just wanted to throw it out there but my school football team sucks butt (: 

So here you guys go...

*Jasmin's P.O.V*

Me, Miriam, Ashley, and Andy were sitting in the waiting room waiting for the doctor. Today she was getting her first ultrasound. She was about three months pregnant and we we're going to find out if the baby was a boy or a girl and if it was developing properly. I think I was more excited about the baby than Miriam and Ashley were. 

Miriam asked if me and Andy wanted to be the godparents of the baby and we said yes. I was all happy that she asked us. Now I was really excited about the baby. I hoped it was a girl, I would want to take care of the baby all the time. 

I wanted to have a baby but not until I was older at least. Me and Andy have already talked about this and he said the sooner the better but I don't think I'm ready to have a baby of my own. But I still wasn't sure if I wanted to have one right now. 

The doctor came in and asked Miriam if she was ready. I jumped out of my chair, 'yes!' I answered for her. They all started laughing at me. What can I say I was really excited to find out what this baby is. 

'Ok just follow me then.' We all followed the doctor in this rather small room. There was a seat bed thing and what looked like a tv next to it. 'Ok if you will just have a seat there.' He pointed to the weirdly shaped chair and Miriam did as she was told. Ashley sat in a chair next to her and held her hand. 

The doctor pulled up Miriam's stomach so her small but noticeable bump was showing. He rubbed some weird gel thing on her stomach and Miriam started laughing. I gave her a really weird look. 'I'm sorry I cant help it, it tickles.' I started chuckling and just shook my head. The doctor took the transducer and rubbed it all pressed it against her stomach.

The whole room when quiet when we something really strange. I'm not sure what it was but it I'm sure a babies heartbeat wasn't supposed to sound like that. I looked over at Miriam and she had a werid look on her face as she stared at the screen. 'Umm doctor is it supposed to sound like that?' I asked getting worried now.

'Well Miriam it seems like your not just having one baby but looks like your having twins.'  Everyone fell silent when we heard the word twins. 

'I'm having twins?' Miriam asked schocked. You could tell just by her voice that she was not expecting that. She turned to face me and had a huge smile plastered on her face. You could hear it in her voice how excited she was. 

I was really excited myself to. I could just imagine Miriam holding her babies. Of course I would insist on help her with them when Ashley can be there.

I'm pretty sure that I heard a sniffle come from Ashley but I couldn't tell for sure. Then I heard another one and he tried to play it off like if he was just coughing.

'Hey Ashley way to stay strong for Miriam man.' Andy slapped Ashley's shoulder and the silence was interrupted with our laughter. 

'Well when you have your first baby and you find out theres actually twins inside of  lets see how strong you will be.' He shot back at him which made us laugh even harder.

*Ashley's P.O.V*

Everyone was laughing at me cause I let one little tear fall from my eye. I couldn't help it I was looking at my baboes for the first time, well kind of because it was on a computer screen but still it was a really special moment for me. I couldn't believe I was having twins. It was even more nerve wrecking now that I knew I would have to raise two babies instead of one. 

'Ok your babies seems to be doing just fine I'm not suspecting any problems with it. Do you guys want to know the sex of the babies?' 

'Yes' I replied to the doctor. I was so relieved to hear that my baby was ok. I kissed Miriam's hand while the doctor moved the transducer around her belly.

'Ok well there are the legs and those are the hands.' He pointed to the objects on the screen. 'There's the head right there.' He pointed to one of the larger objects that was on the screen. I felt a smile spread on my face and Miriam tightened my hand a bit. 'Ok and the sex of the baby is..' he looked really closely to the monitor. We all waited in anticipation for him to say the gender. 'A girl and a boy, congratulations.' 

That was so perfect, we were having one of each. We are going to be the perfect little family.

We got back to the house with a whole bunch of those balloons that say "it's a girl" and "it's a boy" on them. I know it was really cheesy but hey what can I say we were all excited about the twins. CC came running up to us and just engulfed Miriam into a hug squeezing her really tightly. 'CC. Cant. Breathe.'

'Oh sorry' He let go quickly and punched her playfully on the arm. 'We don't want that sucker coming out earlier than he has to, right?' Miriam started laughing and just shook her head.

'I worry about you sometimes, CC. I really do.' She said with the most serious face on ever. It was adorable because you never really see her so serious so you just had to laugh.

'Well I mean someone on this planet has to be unique and different than the rest of the people!' He did have a point, he was really different than anyone that I have ever met. To be honest I liked him that way. Ever since he joined the band a couple years ago the mood has enligtened so much on the band.  He took a look at the balloons and gave us really weird looks. 'Did you guys not decide on which balloon to buy so you bought them both?' I started laughing and patted CC on the back.

'No man, believe it or not but we're having twins' Before I could make out what CC was about to do he grabbed me and Miriam and engulfed us in a group hug. He was stronger than I thought he would be and now I knew how Miriam felt when he hugged her. 

'Thats great guys congrats!' Jake piped in.

I turned my attention back to Miriams stomach. You cant really see her bump with her shirt covering it but if you looked really close you could see the bump that was forming. I grabbed her hand and kissed her cheek. Still holding on to her hand I pulled her upstairs. 

Once we were in our room she lay down on the bed. 'Ashley?' 

'Yeah?' I asked a bit worried now. 

'Do you think we're going to be able to raise two kids on our own?' I was shocked. I thought she was as excited as I was about the whole twin thing.

'Why do you ask?' 

'Well I was already starting to get all freaked out with the idea of one little baby growing inside my tummy then having to raise it but now two. I don't know about you but the idea scares me a bit. Don't get me wrong I'm excited and joyful that I'm going to have twins but I'm a little scared that I wont be a good mom.' She finished talking and I waited to make sure she was done. I lay down next her, my body facing her so I could try and read all the emotions coming from her face. 

'To be honest with you I am scared but the older they get the more we're going to know what we're doing. I will always be here for you but I know that the guys and Jasmin will all be honored to help also. Just look at CC for example he's probably more excited about the twins than you and I put together. We'll be alright I know we will' I hoped that got her to calm down. I don't want her having the babies with doubts in the back of her head. 

'I love you Ashley.' She whispered while rolling over to face me.

'I love you too.'

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