Days are numbered

380 18 1

*Miriam's P.O.V*

I woke up in the morning with a sick feeling in my stomach. I realized that the reason why I was feeling sick was because I had to throw up. I ran to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet. When I was done I leaned on the wall next to the toilet. I threw my head back and closed my eyes, thanking that that was over. This wasn't the first time this happened. This has happened about three times now. I didn't know what was wrong with me, I wasn't sick and I was pretty sure that I didn't have food poisoning. 

There was only one thing that came to mind. But I couldn't be pregnant. 

Could I?

You cant get pregnant on the first time, right?

Could you?

I needed to tell Jasmin and see if she could help. She must've heard me throwing my guts up because she was in the bathroom with a worried look on her face. 'Are you ok? I just woke up to hear you throwing up.' 

'Yeah I'm fine, I just wasn't feeling so hot. Sorry for waking you up though.' I tried giving her a convincing smile. I stood up and tried walking past her but she blocked my way out of the bathroom. I don't know why I didn't tell her just then before she had to force it out of me.

'Are you sure your ok?' I nodded my head and tried to walk past her but again she blocked my path. 'Ok tell me whats going on.' She said in a calm voice. I sighed and sat back down on the bathroom floor and she did the same. I told her about how I thought I was pregnant but how I thought you couldn't get pregnant on your first time. 'Well you do know you can.' There was a short silence then she interupted it. 'If you are pregnant are you going to want the baby?' She said every word slowly and carefully. 

'Of course I am!' I shot back. If I was pregnant I wouldn't want to put my baby up for adoption or abort it. I don't even know why she even asked that obviously she knew the answer. 

'Well sorry it was just a question. Now all we need to do is actually find out if your carrying a baby in there.' She said pointing to my stomach. I nodded and we both got up from the bathroom floor. 

Me and Jasmin both stared at the five different pregnancy tests and waited for the answers. The tension built up as each second passed. The first result popped up and it was positive I didn't know what to say. I watched as all but one of the test came up positive. After a while a smile grew on my face. I'm going to finally have a family of my own. 

I looked at Jasmin who was staring at me with a smile on her face also. 'You're having a baby.' She said low enough I almost didn't hear. The smile on my face grew wider as I the idea of holding my own baby in my arms came to mind. Then the smile vanished.

'What if Ashley doesn't want a kid? What if he wont stay with me after I tell him?' 

'Then hes stupid. I doubt that he will leave you just cause your pregnant. Ashley wont do that, he'll be a good dad and he'll raise the kid with you. Ashley really does love you. You can tell by the way that he looks at you that he's madly in love with you. i'm pretty sure he'll love the baby as much as he loves you.' I looked at her and I could tell that she truly meant it. 

I had to tell Ashley though and I didn't want to do it over phone. They'll be coming back in a little less then two weeks so I'll just tell him then. I was so nervous though, even though I have nothing to be nervous about. Jasmin's right, Ashley will love the baby as much as he loves me. 

*Ashley's P.O.V*

'Will you sit down now?!' I said to CC who was bouncing around our tour bus. He was super drunk and we were on our way home so that just added to all of his hype. We were coming home a week earlier to surprise the girls. We told them that tour had been extended for another three weeks but it was only extended for two. Evil I know but we just wanted to surprise them. 

We pulled up to our house and saw the car outside so we figured they were home. Perfect. We got all ouf our bags and walked inside the house. To my surprise no one was in here. I called out for the dogs and they wern't here either. I guess they took the dogs out for a walk. 

I put my bags down in my room and came back in the living room and slouched on the couch. The rest of the guys did the same except for CC. 'Wheres CC?' 

'He passed out in the hallway upstairs.' Jinxx said handing me a bottle of water. I turned on the TV and scrolled through the channels. I sighed and turned it off when I couldn't find anything to watch. Where were they? It had been almost thirty minutes. I was eager to see Miriam and waiting was killing me. I looked at Andy who was sitting beside me. His leg was bouncing and he was staring straight ahead looking at nothing in particular. 

As if my prayers had been answered Miriam and Jasmin walked into the house with the dogs on their leashes and they were laughing. They didn't notice us at first but Miriam stopped walking and turned to face me. 'Ashley!!' She said as she ran into my arms. 'I thought you wern't supposed to be back until next week!' I kissed her softly and hugged her even tighter. 

'We decided to surprise you guys. I might have lied to you about when I was coming back.' She pulled away for a second to look at my face but then continued to hug me. 

'It doesn't matter the good thing is that I didn't have to wait another week to see you.' I kissed her again and broke the hug.

We both looked over to Andy and Jasmin who were having a full on kissing session. Me and Miriam just laughed, then her face switched over to really serious. 'I have something to tell you.' She looked me in the eye when she said this. Ok I was a little worried now, she was almost never serious. What if she cheated on me? What if she didn't want to be with me anymore? 

I really needed to stop assuming things because I was scaring myself. 'Ok.' Was all I said as she led me up to the room. 

She almost tripped over a passed out  CC who was sprawled out in front of our door. 'What the hell?' Miriam said lauging. Ok maybe it wasn't going to be that bad. 

We walked over CC and into our room. Miriam sat down on the bed and so did I. 'Ok I gotta tell you something but promise me you wont be mad cause I cant really control these things-' She was saying everything to fast, then I cut her off.

'Woah calm down just tell me what you have to.' I sounded way more confident than I actually felt. 

There was a long silence and she was taking deep breaths. Why wouldn't she just tell me what was going on and make it easier for the both of us. 

'I'm pregnant.'

Bum bum bum. 

Sorry for making you wait so long .-. But heres a new chapter c; hope you enjoyed ;D

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