The legacy

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*Miriam's P.O.V*

'It seems that your Aunt Rosalinda's was in a car crash and she's in critical condition and doesn't look like she's going to make it.' Was all I heard. I dropped the phone and ran back inside.

I ran to the table and everyone was laughing, when they saw me their faces dropped. 'Miriam what's wrong?' Ashley asked standing up and pulling me into his arms. I didn't know how to tell them, I was choking on my words. I didn't realize I was crying until Ashley wiped my tears. His touch was gentle and sent chills through my body.

'She's she she's.....dead' I stuttered, I don't know why I felt like this, I just did.

'Who's dead?!' Jasmin yelled now crying also. I hated seeing her cry, just seeing her cry made me cry more.

'There there its ok, its going to be alright. Now tell me what happened on the phone?' Ashley tried soothing me, it calmed me down a little bit but the tears were still flowing. I honestly didn't know why I was reacting like this, my Tia did a lot to hurt Jasmin, I shouldn't be crying over her death.

'Jasmin's mom is dead....' They all stared at me with blank expressions, I guess they didn't know how to react.  Jasmin just looked at me and walked out the restaurant, I went to go follow her. 'Jasmin wait up!' I yelled and the tears were still coming.

She turned around and I could see she was still crying, her eyes were bloodshot and she was sniffling like crazy. 'I just can't believe it, the last words I ever said to her were words filled with hate. I'm not crying cause I'm sad, I don't even know what to feel I'm crying because of the last words I ever said to my mother, its going to haunt me forever.' She said barely audible.

I understood what she was trying to tell me and I pulled her into a hug. 'Its alright your going to get through this, we'll get through this together.' Just then the guys came out and Ashley gave me a hug and asked if I was ok, I nodded my head.

Andy pulled Jasmin into a hug and gave her a peck, he was whispering something in her ear that I couldn't hear. She started smiling and wiped her tears away.

*Jasmin's P.O.V*

 When the guys came outside Andy pulled me into a hug and gave me a kiss. 'Its ok you'll have me always, I wont ever leave you.' I smiled at what he said and wiped my tears away.

'Thanks' I mumbled into his neck. He smelled like cigarettes and cologne, I liked that.

We went back to the hotel and started packing since tomorrow we would be leaving. I was in the room alone with Miriam and we were finishing packing our thing when she said 'You know we have to go back to your moms house and get all your stuff.'

'Yeah I know' I responded with a sigh. I was dreading that, I didn't want to go back to a place that was filled with so many bad memories. 'I just don't want to leave. Things are going so good here, with me and Andy and everything else, I don't want to be away from him for who knows how long.'

'There almost off of tour just a couple more weeks and then we can see them after that, and I know how you feel I don't want to leave Ashley. I don't know what he'll do..' I went up to her and hugged her. I didn't want her to think that Ashley was going to cheat on her, he really likes her and I doubt that will happen.

'Don't worry Ashley wont cheat on you, he likes you way to much to do that to you. If he does then I'll chop his balls off.' She started laughing and finished packing her bags.

We  decided to go to sleep cause it was getting late and we had to be up early in the morning to make the 4 hour drive back.

*Andy's P.O.V*

I woke up and I was feeling good, then I realized today we had to leave and I didn't want to leave just yet. I wanted to spend more time with Jasmin and I wouldn't be able to cause of tour. The good thing was that tour was almost over, but it would be 3 weeks that I would go without seeing Jasmin and I didn't want to wait that long.

I got up and went to the fridge to get some apple juice, not to soon after everyone woke up. I went to go sit next to Jasmin and I put my arm around her waist and I pulled her onto my lap. I kissed her on the lips, it didn't take to long for her to respond and kiss back.

'I don't want to leave you.' I whispered into her neck. She looked down at me and smiled sadly.

'It wont be to long, right? Like less than a month.' I nodded my head and rested my forehead on hers.

'I wish I could stay like this forever. Just me and you and nothing else would matter.' She smiled and kissed me.

It was time for us to say our goodbyes and I was dreading this moment the whole week. I walked up to Jasmin and gave her the longest hug ever, we were probably standing there for about 5 minutes till Jake told us it was time to leave. We walked to the front of the tour bus and we saw Miriam and Ashley making out in front of the door, Jasmin giggled and hugged me again.

'I'm gonna miss you, you know?' She whispered in my neck, it sent chills down my spine and I picked her chin up and kissed her one last time before going into the tour bus.

Ashley came in next and sat next to me and said 'We'll see them soon'

Sorry for such a sucky and short chapter .____. I probably wont be posting over the weekend either. But i'll make the chapter on Monday super long!

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