Chapter 5

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(AN: Marshall wrote the song Moments in this book. :D I feel really bad about not updating this in a while. But on the other hand, 156 FUDGING READS ALREADY?!?!? I seriously did as happy dance when I saw that. It goes a little something like this: jump and shake your booty everywhere!!! Oh my cheese, I'm a strange child.

Marshall Lee: Sooo. Are you going to get on with the story or not?

Me: When the heck did you get there?!

Marshall Lee: Vampire, remember?

Me: Whatever....ON TO THE CHAPPY!!)

I woke up and stretched my arms. Was last night a dream? I scooted closer to where I thought Marshall was last night. I could faintly smell his cologne. So, he really did sing to me? Oh my cheese, what does that mean? Has he done that to other girls or was I special? I sighed and got up, cracking my back. On the bright side, Cake was coming home today! I walked into the bathroom and tried to wash up as fast as possible. I thought about the song Marshall had sung in the shower. Did he write it or have I just never heard it? I turned the water off and got out. I heard the door open. A smile appeared on my face. I ran downstairs, clothed of course, with my arms outstretched.

"CA--oh. Hey Gumball.", my excitement diminished.

I really wanted to see Cake. Then the door opened again. Cake walked in with her bag.

"CAKE!", I screeched.

She barely had any time to Iook up before I swooped her into a massive bear hug. Cake made this weird noise and I realized she was having trouble breathing. I gasped and let her go. She panted for a second or two, then looked back up at me.

"I'm sorry! I got carried away and I missed you!", I apologized.

Cake started laughing at me, her face red from deprivation of air or laughing, I wasn't sure which. She finally calmed hefrself down enough to speak.

"We have to go to Gumball's to plan your birthday. You can stay here if you want.", Cake said turning around.

I shook my head.

"No, I need to get out of the house anyway.", I called, walking up the stairs.

It felt like someone was watching me. I turned back to see Gumball look away from me. I scooted into my room and shut the door. I could hear Cake banging around in the kitchen, probably making snacks for Gumball and herself. What was with Gumball? Oh well, it's probably nothing. Gumball was just plain weird at moments. And trust me, you do not want to see him brush his teeth. I'm Fiona the Human for crying out loud and that scared the living daylights out of me. I pulled on my pack and walked back downstairs. Cake was serving Gumball some tea.

"Would you like some, hun bun?", Cake offered.

I shook my head and jogged out the door, jumping over a small snail in the process. Cake stretched herself with Gumball on her back. Apparently he was too tired. Whatever. I wonder what Marshall is doing right now? That reminds me: I still haven't told Cake. Should I do it? I mean she really doesn't like Marshall. I think it's because Marshall teases her too much. I had a strange craving for some chicken nuggets. Heh. I like that word. Nugget. It just makes me laugh. I'm a strange child. Heh heh. Nugget. Cake and Gumball started right away on the preparations while my mind wandered elsewhere. On Marshall Lee, the word nugget, but mainly on Marshall Lee. Gumball and Cake's voices were muffled as I was deep in thought.

"What do you think, Fiona?", Cake looked at me expectantly.

"Huh?", I said stupidly, wanting to smack myself after.

"We wanted your opinion on what kind of cake you wanted.", PG explained.

Without a second thought, I replied,


You all know where this is headed, right? Yes, yes we do. I picked the flavor because of Marshall. I'm not sure he's even coming. I'd just have to wait and see. A banana guard came out and whispered some things in PG's ear. He blanched and I reached out and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Is everything alright?", I asked, concerned.

"No, everything is not alright! My kitchen was damaged today! Excuse me ladies, but we'll have to finish this some other time.", Gumball bid his goodbyes and scurried off.

Cake packed up all of her samples and we went home. I was still feeling down and Marshall Lee the Vampire King was really the only thing on my mind.

"Hun bun, don't feel so down! You'll be sixteen in four more days.", she reminded.

I nodded and slinked upstairs, collapsing on my bed and groaning into my pillow. This was going to be the longest for days of my life.

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