Josh gets a puppy

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Josh manages to convince Tyler to get a puppy.

Trigger/Smut warnings: None

"Tyler?" Josh looked at his roommate, best friend, and boyfriend pleadingly, though he had not yet asked for anything. They were sitting on Tyler's bed, while Tyler played mariokart and Josh snuggled up against him.  "I've been thinking."

"Thinking about what?" Tyler asked, eyes still on the screen. He recognized Josh's tone of voice, and he knew that if he looked over into the big brown eyes next to him, he would cave instantly, no matter what Josh wanted.

"I think we should get a puppy." Josh frowned as Tyler continued to play, not even responding. "Tyler, pleeeeeeeeaaaase? I reeeeeaaally want a puppy."

Tyler had to work hard to keep focused on the game. If he looked, Josh would convince him. "No," he said firmly.

Josh pouted and tugged on Tyler's sleeve like a little kid. "Pleeeeeeaaaase, Ty? Please please pretty please?"

"Josh, we can't take care of a dog," Tyler said. "Are you kidding? We're constantly on tour and traveling. That wouldn't be fair to a puppy, leaving him alone or with a dogsitter for months on end."

"We can take him with us!" Josh said brightly. "I already have it all worked out. T-"

"That wouldn't be fair to the puppy or the crew," Tyler said, frowning as he lost the race. "Besides, do you really want to be cleaning up stinky puppy messes while we're on the road? And who's gonna watch it during the shows?"

"Ty, please please please?" Josh begged, ignoring that bit of logic. He flopped across Tyler's lap, looking up at him with those doe-like brown eyes. "Pretty pretty please?"

Tyler glanced down at him. That was his big mistake. "Josh, I don't think-" The protest was feeble- in his heart, Tyler knew that Josh knew he had been won over.

But Josh just had to seal the deal. "Pleeeeaaaase, daddy? Please?" He asked, reaching up and pulling Tyler's head down so he was only an inch away from his face. "I'll be good, I promise."

"Okay," Tyler said, his mouth moving without his brain's permission. Somehow, Josh always got what he wanted. Tyler promised himself he would figure out how he did it.

Josh grinned. "Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou Ty!" he said excitedly, kissing Tyler, then popping up.

Tyler laughed. Though he still had his doubts about the puppy, he loved making Josh happy. "Where are you going?" He asked, as Josh shoved his shoes on.

"To get a puppy," Josh said. "Isn't it obvious? Come on, Tyler, get up! Get up!"

"But shouldn't we do some research, first?" Tyler asked as Josh dragged him to his feet. "And get supplies? And-"

"I already did all my research," Josh interrupted. "There's an adoption fair today, at that supply store? And we can get everything we need today. Come on Ty, get moving!" Josh practically had to drag him out of the apartment.

An hour later, they returned, Josh with his arms full of a sleepy shar pei puppy, and Tyler's full of bags.

"That thing is going to be ugly when it grows up," Tyler griped. "I don't know how you convinced me to get that one, of all the dogs there."

"He's beautiful, and he takes very much offense at you saying that," Josh replied as he carried the dog through the door. "Isn't that right, Kai?"

Kai was the name that Josh had decided on. For some reason. Tyler wasn't sure how he felt about it, but the puppy was Josh's puppy, not his. Tyler was already washing his hands of it. After helping Josh unpack all of the puppy supplies, he retreated to his room.

That night, Tyler got out of the shower to find Josh all snuggled up on Tyler's bed, holding the dog. "Oh no," Tyler said. "That thing is not sleeping on my bed, and he's not getting up on the couches, either. He can sleep on your bed if he wants to be on the furniture," Tyler said, plucking Kai from Josh's arms and depositing him on the floor.

"Tyyyyyy," Josh whined, just as the puppy started in whining, too.

"No," Tyler said firmly, climbing into bed next to Josh. "If he's gonna whine, go put him in your room. In the kennel."

"Then he'll just whine more," Josh said, snuggling up against Tyler. "You'll just have to put up with it." It wasn't hard for Josh to fall asleep.

When he woke up the next morning, Josh found Kai on the bed.

In Tyler's arms.

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