Just for a little while (p1)

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TW:self harm, suicide, self hate, abuse

Summary: Tyler's parents are kicking him out and he needs a place to stay.

AN: YES THIS IS MULTI BANDOM FITE ME also in case you couldn't figure it out this is Josh's POV.


I glanced up as Brendon entered the room. "What's up man?" I asked, running a hand through my hair. He wasn't drunk, so I didn't have to worry about him doing something strange, like pulling a chicken out from behind his back or confessing his undying love for me. Brendon was a cool guy, but he was kind of a spazz, and kind of a prick sometimes.

"Okay. So Ryan's uncle's best friend's kid's buddy got kicked out by his parents, and he needs a place to stay. And Ryan said he would take him, but he's in a pinch right now and can't and this guy has been sleeping under a bridge for the past few nights and I need to know if it's cool with you if he stays here? Patrick and Pete cool with it." Brendon said this all very quickly, not giving me a chance to interrupt him.

"Brendon," I said slowly, "You do realize that we don't have any more bedrooms, right? What's he gonna do, sleep on the kitchen table?" We didn't exactly have a couch he could sleep on, as we were four broke college aged musicians sharing an apartment. We had the bare necessities- beds, a fridge, a microwave, a stove, a tv, a table, and a couple big beanbags that Pete had found somewhere.

Brendon looked as though he had been hoping I wouldn't notice this. "Noooo," he said. "I was maybe hoping he could crash on your floor? It's just until he gets back on his feet. Come on, Josh, it's the right thing to do. He's a musician, like us, who's down on his luck. You'd do it for me, wouldn't you?"

"You don't care about the right thing, Brendon," I scoffed. "You wanna do it because Ryan asked you to, and you'll do anything to get in his pants."

"Josh!" Brendon cried, part outraged, part amused, and part defeated.

"Hey, I call it like I see it," I said with a shrug. "Besides, you aren't denying it. Alright, I won't stand in between you and Ryan. He can stay, long as it's just for a few nights. And he doesn't touch my drums."

Brendon grinned at me. "Thanks man, I owe you one." He turned to the door. "Alright, Tyler, come on in!"

"Brendon!" I scowled at him. "He's already here?" I hurriedly moved to pick up my boxers from the floor. "You might not care about good impressions, but I-"

I glanced up and saw the most beautiful boy I had ever seen. He had fluffy brown hair that was incredibly short on the sides, chocolate brown soulful eyes, full lips, stubble, and the most heartbroken but hopeful look I had ever seen. I just stared at him for a moment, before he awkwardly shuffled his feet and extended a hand. "Hey there. I'm Tyler. Tyler Joseph."

I cleared my throat, dropping my boxers and shaking his hand. "Josh Dun. Nice to meet you. Um..."

"Uh, thanks for letting me stay here, man. And, hey, I promise I won't touch your drums." He smiled, obviously trying to clear the awkward air.

Brendon smirked at me, knowing that I was incredibly uncomfortable. "I'll leave you two to get acquainted," he said in a suggestive sort of voice. He knew. Maybe I needed to rethink his reasoning- maybe Ryan was only half of it. The other half could be him wanting to see me floundering around in front of a cute boy, the jerk. He skipped out of the room, pushing the door closed behind him.

Tyler set down a floral print backpack. "Is there a shower somewhere?" he asked. "And could you show me where the laundry is?"

I nodded, shoving some dirty clothes into my laundry bag, which brought my room to spotless. I liked cleaner spaces. "Bathroom's right next door. The white towel's a spare, though I can't promise you it hasn't been used recently. The others are kinda slobs. And I was just getting ready to take a load down- if you wanna just put your dirty stuff in this-" I tossed him a mesh bag- "I'll wash it with mine."

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