Chapter 2

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You know. Sometimes you have to sit down to write and get ideas for a book. But then you have to stand up to realize how badly you messed up in the last chapter. That happened to me. I said that you had math alone at the end but when you and the girls got the time tables, you all had math together. Ops! Sorry! I am waisting your time! See you guys at the end! (^~^)

F/N- First name
L/N- Last name
F/C- Favorite colour
H/C-Hair colour
E/C-Eye colour
SF/C- Second Favorite colour
F/B- Favorite book
F/F- Facorite food 


~Your Pov~

I sat in the seat in the front that was next to the window. There were still a few minutes before class so I decided to read my book. Not the most exiting thing to do but I have nothing else that I can do. Then people started pilling into the classroom but I didn't really pay much attention to them. I kept on reading. No one usually sat with me anyways so there really was no point of looking up. Until I felt someone's slide into the chair beside mine. 

"Is this seat taken?" They asked. I shook my head no. "May I sit here then?" They asked.  

"Sure." I said. I kept reading my book. 

"What are you reading?" They asked. I looked up and saw one of the Glading Phoenix 's siting next to me. It was Garroth with his sandy blond hair and cobalt blue eyes. 

"F/B" I replied. We started talking about the book until the teacher, Mr. Zinger walked in. 

"Hello everyone and welcome to another school year. We will be starting off by doing 250 basic math questions. You may work in partners." He said in his boring and tired voice. His eyes were almost closed and his hair was a mess. Everyone started making partners. 

"Want to be partners?" Garroth asked and I nodded. When I got the piece of paper, I realize how easy the stuff was. I took out my F/C pencil case and then Garroth and I started racing to see who could finish first. 

"Done!" I said. I put my pencil down and started waving my hands around like I didn't care. 

"Noooo! I was on the last question!" Garroth cried. we laughed and then handed it in to Mr. Zinger. 

"You two have free time on your computers or whatever kids do." He said, before he started to mark our work. Garroth and I went back to our seats and then started to get to know each other better. the period finally ended so we left the room and waved away. I walked to my english and to my surprise, I saw Elise, Rae and Willow, sitting together at a table. They waved me over and I took that last seat. 

"How was math guys?" Elise asked. Rae groaned and we laughed. Rae hatted math will all of her heart. Not that she really liked school anyways. 

"My math teacher is to happy. She kept blabbering about outside school stuff and kept me from working. I was lucky that I could do that thing quickly." Willow complained. She wasn't a math hater but she loved writing. Her face was usually in a book or a computer. Well all of us did that really. 

"Our math teacher is nice. Right Rae. She lets us work but also lets us talk." Elise explained. 

"Well my math teacher was practically asleep the entire class." I mumbled and we laughed. "Our life problems." From across the room, I saw  Newt, Minho, Thomas and Brenda sitting at a table. 

"Hello everyone! Today I would like you to start a story from your imagination. It must be creative, well written and more than three pages. You can't change how much spacing is in between each line. Single spacing! This is due in two weeks!" Our teacher exclaimed. Everyone started shouting protest like it was the first day of school and all but The four of us jumped from our seats, grabbed our computers and then started writing. 

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