Lesson 17- Apologies and Fruit

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(music: Jubyphonic: Wildfire; also omg three danganronpa pics in a row! Can u guys tell I like danganronpa yet?!)

OK! So, I'm sorry I haven't updated for so long! Anyway, since I'm about to start on stuff like sentence structure, pronouns, and other important things, I'm gonna do some fruit! Just for fun! Also, I've recently gotten this new app called Daily Dose and I love it! It will give you a little mini-lesson everyday, and it will even tell you how to say the date! On holidays you get a mini-culture lesson on the holiday, and you even get a special lesson on you birthday! Best part it's free! I strongly urge you to get it as it is for apple and android. Oh, also sorry for rambling I know you just wanna see the fruit already! Bye Bye! -Avaron

1.Fruit (2 different ways to say)-

1. kuda mono (coo-duh mon-oh)


2. furu-tsu (Fur-oo-t-soo)


2.Apple- ringo (ring-oh)

りんご or リンゴ

3.Orange- orenji (orange-ee)


4.Banana- banana


5. Watermelon-suika (soo-ee-ka)

すいか or スイカ

6.Strawberry- ichigo (ee-chee-go)

いちご or イチゴ

7.Lemon- remon (literally lemon but with an 'r' sound at the beginning instead of 'l')


8. Peach- momo (mow-mow)

もも or モモ

9. Pear- nashi (nah-shee)


10. Pineapple-painappuru (pine-app-oo-roo)


11. Mandarin Orange- mikan (me-con)


12. Grape- budou (boo-dough)


13. Cherry (2 ways)

1. sakuranbo (sack-er-an-bow)


2. cheri- (cherry)


14. Blueberry- buru- beri- (boo-roo-berry)


15. Grapefruit- gure-pu furu-tsu (gr-ae-poo-fur-oo-t-soo)


That's it for your common everyday fruits but this site is where I got them and they have a longer and better list so check out this link:


Please comment what your favorite fruit on this list is! (Mine is すいか or スイカ!)

Have fun messing with the grocery store clerk! Bye Bye! -Avaron

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