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Nicole's POV
Me and August walk back downstairs and I see my phone on the counter. "Hey, Nikki who's Bab-" I cut him off by taking my phone off the counter really fast, "Um India please go upstairs so me and ur mom can catch up" August says to India, she nods and runs up to her room, "Who the fuck is Baby Daddy on ur phone!?" He yells at me "None of ur fucking business that's who that is" I can see the look on his face that he's serious. He pushed me against the wall holding my wrists yelling in my face, "AGAIN WHO IS BABY DADDY IN YO PHONE!?" I'm terrified "August get the fuck off me! You don't own me in this relationship!!" I look in his eyes, creeps me out. "This relationship!? What relationship? If you gonna have another dude in here then there ain't no relations in this so called ship you call relation, cause we done!" He yells at me and let's me go from his hands. I walk to him and point to the door, "Go!" He looks at me like bish wheeet "GET THE FUCK OUT AUGUST!" I yell at him, he looks at me shaking his head "smh" he says. He packs up his stuff and gets out and drives away. I lay down on the couch and close my eyes.... Relaxing
India POV
I heard my mom and him arguing,I hope everything okay because he's the daddy of my baby soooo....
3 months later!
India POV
Well I'm 4 months pregnant and I have to go to the doctors to check up on my baby girl... Yes I'm having a baby girl. I'm thinking of naming her either Sam or Aaliyah Rose Alsina.. But I'm having a baby shower tonight with my friends.
At the baby shower
We're at some place idk my mom planned this. The whole place is filled with pink, everywhere! "Okay India, everyone's arriving!" My mom said on the phone, "Mom it's a surprise!" She laughs "I didn't tell you anything else except whe-" I laugh at her "Oh.. Sorry"

After the baby shower
I'm tired, still haven't told my mom August was the daddy, and I still haven't heard from August lately sooo why not call him? "MOM IM GOING UPSTAIRS!!" I yell "OKAY EVEN THO WE ARE BOTH DOWNSTAIRS!" She yells, we both laugh. I walk upstairs into my room and close the door and dial his number,
"Hey y'all it's August, call me back laterrr" omg I hate when he does this...

I go on Facebook and check my feed, guess what I see... I see August in a hotel in Hawaii. I comment on it, 'August Alsina I swear to god if I come down there u best not be cheating' I roll of my bed and into my slippers and waddle down the stairs. "Mom, can u please drive me to the Airport?" "Um why?" she asked I don't think I really need to explain to her so I don't... "No reason can u please?" I beg her for about an hour... Hey I'm still her kid at heart. She finally says yes but, "But, I have to go on the plane with u. I don't think they'll let u on with the condition ur in honey." I agree and we get in the car and go on our way to the Airport.

Meanwhile with August...
August POV
"Babe did u post those pics of us on Facebook?" I ask "Yes, why?" I panic "India could see those! What are u thinking u crazy bitch!?" "First I like the pictures, second I'm not a crazy Bitch I'm a crazy lady, and third ur still with that ratchet ass hoe anyway?" I sigh and think. I shouldn't be sleeping with this other girl when India is 7 months pregnant. (A/N the girl he's sleeping with, her name is Diana and yea I forgot to update for awhile so India is 7 months pregnant.) I talk to Diana, "Diana, I think me and u is a no go. I love u but I have a-" I got cut off by India slamming in the door way. "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!?" She asks me and kinda everyone,, damn her mom is here. "India I can explain!" I say, "Save it August, I'm done playing these back and forth games with u now, maybe God doesn't want us together I was thinking anyway we should see other people." Damn. Im heart broken as Diana and India walk out and Indias mom stays for 30 seconds. "I pity u, August Alsina." She spits near me and slaps me and walks out. Im alone... Again...

Sorry I didn't update for like 4 months, but I will be updating cause there isn't any more school sooooo.
If ur confused the mom spit on him because he had sex with her daughter but don't worry she's gonna get her punishment too....

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