Chapter One

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(The guy picture above is Jensen Hunters)

"Are you sure you can live on your own?"
"Mother, I am 22. I can do this. I have done it before," I said.
"Yeah but not in New York,"
"Mom, its okay I scooped out the neighborhood around the apartment and it is clean and nice. By the looks of it, there are some pretty expensive stores by it too. Now tell me if where would there be expensive stories in a bad neighborhood?" I asked looking at my mother.
Today, was the last day that I will be living in the small town of Mystic, Connecticut and moving to the big city of New York. I just got my bachelor's degree in journalism and is starting my new job at The New York Times in a weeks time. I couldn't be more excited.

"Hi, is this Delilah Miller?"
"Yes, this is she. Who may I ask is asking?"
"This is Juliana Grimes, I am calling about you application?"
My heart sunk.
"Oh, am I not hired?"
"Silly girl, if you won't hired I wouldn't be calling you. You are hired," She said.
"Oh my gosh. Thank you so much,"
"You are welcome. You start in a month," She said hanging up.
For the next month, I looked for places to live to meet how much I get paid. My parents helped me pay for my first three months and the deposit. But little thing did they I know, I was planning on getting a roommate to help share the rent. Not that I needed it. I have a trust fund from my grandpa who just recently past away. I just couldn't touch it til I get my first paycheck of my job. Which means I can touch it in two weeks. I just didn't want to share the apartment by myself.
I feel my pant vibrate and I pull out my phone and it was a text from my best friend Ryan
From: Ryan the fuckboi
Hey you still coming over?
To: Ryan the fuckboi
Yeah give me a few.

"Mom, Imma gonna go hang out with Ryan,"
"Okay be home before too late,"
I rolled my eyes and left.
I pulled up to his house. The house I have came to know as my favorite place to go when upset. I walked into his house and I see a bunch of popcorn popped, soda, pizza, chips. I looked in the kitchen and I saw him sitting there with a glass of my favorite soda in his hand.
"Don't care what you say you are spending the night. Your parents have made you stay over there for week straight barely letting you leave," He said.
"Okay," I said quickly texting my mom.
From: Mom
But we are your parents.
To: Mom
Ryan is like my bother and this is the last time I will spend with him few a while.
From: Mom

"What movie should we watch first?" Ryan asked while I was searching through his movie case.
I scanned my eyes over the DVDs and saw it. The first movie we ever saw together.
Killers with Ashton Kutcher and Katherine Heigl.
I climbed into his bed and sat up. I waited til he took off his shirt and climbed into his bed and laid my head down on his chest.
"Don't get me wrong, I love that you got your dream job but we haven't been separate since we were sixteen, and I don't want to stop now," He signed.
I looked up at him and his eyes were closed.
Its true, we met we were sixteen and instantly became inseparable even in college, we had gotten accepted into the same college. Our bond was never a romantic relationship its was always a sibling bond.
"I know its gonna be hard but you can come to New York anytime and stay with me," I said smiling.
"But wouldn't you have a roommate?" He asked looking at me.
"Yeah but you can always stay in my room plus its a three bedroom apartment,"
I was standing outside the New York Times. Nervous was a defiantly an understatement. All day I was trying to knock out the butterflies in my stomach and nothing was working. I looked at my watch and saw that I was about to be late. I quickly ran into the building and got into the elevator. By the time I got up to the level I needed to be on I was three minutes later.
Shit! On the the first day!
"You must be Delilah Miller?"
"Ah yes. And if I may ask you are you?"
"I'm Bureau chief and the editor. Alaina Green. I'm your boss. Now I know you were late but I will let you slide this time but do not make it a habit. Mr. Hunter is not a kind man," She said.
I nodded.
"Okay let me show you around this hectic place," She lead me into the newsroom. People were flying around. Busy as some new story was been pushed on them. It was really loud in there. No one seems to mind it and those who did had earphones in. Papers were going everywhere. People were dashing in and out of rooms.
"This is where the reporters work. I will show you to your desk in a few moments. If you don't like the noise, you can place your earbuds in. There are copy machines on the third floor and the fifth floor. The first floor is the lobby. The fourth floor is where there is a cafè where you can purchase a lunch. The sixth floor is where Jensen Hunters is and his personal assistant and other more important people are. My office is just down that hallways and its the second door on the right. Now your desk is over here," She said walking me through a crowd of people who had yet to start working.
"Fresh blood," One of them said.
Before I said anything Alaina said something.
"Get to work Brior,"
"Yes ma'am," He said his country accent coming out.
"Ignore him, even though he is from Tennessee. He doesn't have the country hospitality," She said.
I nod.
She walks me down three rows of 5 computers and I was the fifth one.
"He's coming!" Someone yelled.
Alaina looked at me fast.
"Drop your bag and out it under your desk so it doesn't seem that like you just got here,"
I did as I was told. I dropped my stuff and sat down when I hit the desk, the computer lit up.
I saw a guy that was the hottest guy I have ever saw in my entire life. He had dark blonde hair with specks of light blonde out up in a quiff. He's lips were the perfect shade of pink on a guy. Perfect tan on a guy. As he was approaching, I noticed that his eyes were the bluest I have ever saw. His face was hard. He looked like he had no time to be messed with.
He was coming straight to me.
"Ms. Green, do you have....your first day and you'll already not doing what you are suppose to be doing," He said.
I opened my mouth to say something but once again Ms. Green beats me to it.
"She has having trouble logging in Mr. Hunter,"
So that's the big boss?
"Hmmm," He said looking at me.
I shrugged couldn't from words. He pushed my chair and me out of the way.
He looks at the sticky note and types it into the computer and up comes "change your password"
"Couldn't log in hm?" He said looking at me.
"No sir," I said.
"You can make your password whatever you want Ms. Miller. Ms. Green we are things to discuss," He said walking towards I guess her office.
"Just enter this use name in gmail and your password create your account change your password and then go to Google docs and reword this documents. When we have a new lead I will let you go at it," She said.
1363 words
January 14, 2016
3:15 pm.
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