Chapter Seven

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"So you are Jensen's new assistant,"
"Yes sir," I said.
We were thirty minutes early, for the meetings. There were like twenty people in here.
I felt a hand being placed on my back, I looked over and saw Mr. Hunter. His eye shone that he didn't like this guy.
"She's a damn good one too, and loyal," He said putting mor emotion in loyal.
"Aren't they all?" He asked smirking.
"Mr. Smith?"
I know that voice. I looked over and saw that the voice belong to my best friend Ryan.
"Ryan?" I asked.
His head shot up and smiled instantly.
"Lilah bear," He said.
He was about to hug me but stopped when he looked at Mr. Hunter.
"Wait? You are working for Jensen Hunters?"
"Yeah? Why?"
He quickly glanced over to I'm guessing Mr. Smith and then back at me.
"Oh no reason you never told me who exactly you were working for," He said.
I could tell he was lying big time. But I didn't care.
"Looks like everyone is here, let's get started," Someone said.

"For the new people here, I am Mr. Lance Cook, I am a person you want to impressed and not to pissed. Today's workshop,"
All I did was take notes and listen. A few times Ryan would shoulder push me and I would do it back. Just like high school.
"Mr. Hunter, would you like to say anything?" Mr. Cook asked.
"Yes I would,"
Not shocking.
I hear chuckles and looked around and everyone was looking at me.
"Looks like your P.A. already knows you to a tee," Mr. Cook said.
"I said that out loud didn't I?" I asked.
"Yes," Mr. Hunter said.
I looked at him and saw that he was pissed. I looked down and shifted a little.

"We're still on for tomorrow?" Ryan asked after the workshop.
"Yeah at seven remember,"
"I always do," He said kissing my cheek and leaving.
"I don't appreciate you and your boyfriend flirting with each other during the meeting,"
"He's not my boyfriend. He's my brother,"
His face just shocked and I laughed.
"He's not my brother but he is like my brother," I said.
"Oh," He said.
"Mom, we are back,"
No answer.
Still no answer.
"Maybe she's out?" Mr. Hunter asked.
"No, unless her normal routine changed. She should be home," I said climbing the stairs to go to her room.
I twisted the doorknob and there she was laying on the floor.
"Mom? Are you okay?!?" I asked running to her side.
I turned her over and saw that she was past out.
"MR. HUNTER," I called out.
I could hear me running up the stairs.
"Yes?" He asked coming into the room.
"Call 912," I said.
He quickly took out his phone and call them.
"We need an ambulance at?" He asked looking at me.
"5152 west Layla street, Anaheim,"
"5152 west layala street, Anaheim,"
"I don't know. I'm staying at my personal assistant's house and we just got back from a meeting and we found her mom on the floor past out," He said.
"Thank you please hurry," He said hanging up the phone.
"They will be here within five to ten minutes," He said.
I nodded.
"Ms. Miller?" Someone asked.
I looked up and saw a doctor.
"That me!"
"Your mother is fine. She just had a dizzy spell and hit her head but there is nothing serious going on. We are running some tests but everything looks normal," He said.
"Why did she had a dizzy spell?"
"Stress. You may go in there to see her. She is awake,"
"Do you want me to come?" Mr. Hunter asked.
"No, its fine Mr. Hunter," I said.
"Jensen," He said.
I looked at him.
"You can call me Jensen outside of work. But call me Mr. Hunter at work," He said.
I nodded and walked into the hospital room.
"I'm sorry to have you worry about me darling," Mom said when I walked into the room.
"I'm your daughter. Its my job to worry about you. Now why are you stressed out?" I asked.
"Just the old mother things. If you are doing okay, if your boss is treating you okay stuff like that,"
She was lying but I don't want to put her in anymore pain or cause more of it.
"Yes everything is okay. Don't worry about me," I said.
"They are making me stay over night," She said.
I nodded.
"Do you want me to stay with you?"
"No I'm fine. The doctors and nurses got me taken care of," She said.
" Sha la la la Sha la la la She's crazy, but she's mine. ... She's dancing every night, singing sha-la-la-la-la Crazy, but she's mine. Damn I lose my mind She's dancing every night, singing sha-la-la-la-la," I sung a long to Alex Sparrow's She's Crazy but She's Mine.
I was dancing to it and cooking dinner which was spaghetti since it was easy to make.
Someone chuckled and made me jump. I turned around and saw that it was Jensen watching me.
"Don't do that asshat," I said quickly covering my mouth.
"I'm so sorry. That just came out," I said.
He smiled and shook his head.
"I've been called worse,"
I turned my attention back to the spaghetti.
"I bet," I muttered under my breath.
"So that little comment at the meeting,"
"I didn't mean to say that out loud," I said starring the Noddles.
"I don't really have a filter,"
"I see," He said coming behind me.
I quickly moved away from him. I don't want it another situation like we've been doing.
He sensed that and back off.
"So is it done yet?"
"Almost," I squeaked out.
"Are you sure you don't want me to go today?" I asked Jensen helping him with his tie.
"Its fine Delilah, you need to pick up your mother if she gets released today and need to take care of her," He said.
"Okay I will see you later then," I said patting his chest
Okay I know its not showing the tension or the hatred yet between Hunter and Miller but I promised it will be there soon.
1020 words
12:10 am
January 28th, 2016

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