Chapter Six

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"Be safe Delilah," Theo said for the billionth time.
"I will be. Anaheim is my home and I know the ins and outs. No big parties. I know you have a game this weekend and you'll have a party if y'all win. I don't care just don't let it get out of control. No one in my room. I will know if there has been anyone in my room," I said.
"Okay," He said.
"We'll decide on the new roommate when you get back," He added.
I smiled as I got in the car that Mr. Hunter had sent over. Once I got in the car, we started to drive but not to the airport but in the opposite direction.
"Uhm where are we going sir?"
"To pick up Mr. Hunter," He said.
We drove about fifteen minutes, then we drove up to an apartment building and I saw Mr. Hunter talking on the phone while the doormen were bringing out luggage. He took one glance at the car and hung up the phone.
Once the car stops, the driver got out and opened the trunk and the door so Mr. Jensen could get in.
"So Ms. Winters, I dont know what clothes you brought with you but I had some clothes bought for you to wear,"
I opened my mouth to say something but he best me to it.
"Don't say anything about it," He said.
I nodded.
But I remember about the business or pleasure thing.
"Mr. Hunters, I have a question?"
He didn't answer, he just texted on his phone.
Vmp! Vmp! Vmp!
I felt my phone vibrate in my jacket that I was wearing. I pulled it out of my pocket and seen that it was a phone call from the Hilton. I gave them my number in case they needed it.
"Is this Delilah Winters?"
"Yes ma'am this is she," I said.
"We have a problem with the penthouse,"
"What problem?" I asked looking over at Mr. Hunter. He looked at me like what did you do wrong?
"Uhm there was a pipe that broke and the penthouse is flooded,"
"Mr. Jensen, uhm well Hilton said that there was a pipe that broke and the penthouse is flooded," I said nervous that we would take it out on me.
"Let me see the phone," Mr. Jensen said.
I handed him my phone and he put it to his ear. I could only hear his side of the conversation.
"This is Jensen Hunter. Now what is the problem?"
"When's the last time they got looked at?"
"Yesterday? Then why did the break?" He asked.
I could hear the anger rise up.
"People pay a lot of money to that hotel. The fact you can't get the best of the best to look at the pipes, must mean there are idiots working there,"
"No, you won't ever get my services again. Goodbye," He said hanging up the phone and giving it back to me.
"A little mean do you think?" I asked.
"No. I paid over six hundred dollars every time I stay at their hotel. Others paid three hundred. So no I wasn't," He said.
I didn't reply to him.
"Text your parents see if we can stay there," I said.
I nodded and taped my moms contact.
To: Birth Giver
So boss's hotel had a busted pipe. Its too late to book another hotel. Cool if he says at the house?
From: Birth Giver
And get to spend time with my only child? Then yes you can comes and say.
To: Birth Giver
Thanks love ya momma.
From: Birth Giver
No problem. Love ya too. Be safe.

"She says it's okay,"
"Mom? I'm-er We're here!" I called out once we were at my parent's house.
"Delilah," She said coming down the stairs wearing a midnight blue long dress and her hair up in a ponytail. Her normal at home attire.
She comes at me and hugs me tightly.
"I miss you dear!" She said letting me go.
"And you must be Jensen Hunters," She said pulling him into a hug.
"Yes ma'am," He said ever so politely.
I stifled a laugh.
"Honey, will you go him to the bedroom opposite of yours? Then come help me in the kitchen?" She asked.
"Yes mamma," I said picking up my luggage and going on the stairs opposite of where my mom came from.
I walked down the hall three doors to be exact and stood by my door.
"That will be your room. Clean towels will be in the cabinet next to the bathroom door, also will be extra blankets. Don't need anything else" I said winking at him using the same line, he use on me.
"Hahaha, so your family is rich?"
"Yeah. My mom and her brother made a fortune on a company. But my mom sold the company when my uncle past away. We have enough money to last us a long time," I said looking down at my feet.
"Oh I'm sorry. Were you two close?"
I looked up and bit my lips.
"Yeah, when my dad past away when I was twelve, my uncle moved in to help my mom and we became really close. My uncle died in a car accident a year ago. One day while my dad and I went to a bank, the bank got robbed and my dad tried to be a hero and save everyone and he got shot and killed," I said feeling tears run down my face.
I suddenly feel arms go around me. I looked and saw that Mr. Hunter's arms were around me. I freeze at his touch and I soon unfroze and hugged back.
"I'm so sorry for that," He said looking at my eyes.
I saw him start to lean down and I don't know what came over me but I leaned up and meet his lips in the middle. He pushes me against my bedroom door and he travels to my neck and bits it a little. I gasps at how amazing it feels. I tangled my hands through his hair and gently pull it. He moves his hands down and opens my door and we stumble into my room. He pushes me on my bed and shuts the door and lays on top of me. He places his lips on mine and the kisses got rougher and sloppier. I don't known what it is but I need more. I tugged on the hem of his shirt and he smirked.
"Need more of me Ms. Miller?" He asked lifting up and taking his shirt off. I lifted up and took off my shirt as well. He smirked when he saw my body. He quickly lowered himself and sucked on it.
"Delilah?" My mom asked knocking on my door.
I motion Mr. Hunter to be quiet
"Yeah mom?"
"Why is your stuff still is the hallway? Where's Mr. Hunter?"
I looked at him and he bit his lip.
"Isnt he in the shower? And I didn't feel like pulling them in here yet but hold on I will do it now," I said quickly pulling on my shirt and motioning him to go into the bathroom. He quickly does and I opened my door.
"Hi mom," I said.
1221 words.
January 26th, 2016
2:55 am.

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