Chapter Ten

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I screamed when I saw who it was. I turned to run out the door but someone grabbed me and pulled me away from the door.
"What the hell are you doing out? How did you know where to find me?" I asked scared shitless.
"Oh you know you missed me," The person I was most scared of ever said.
"Oh I'm told him," Some one else said.
When the person showed his face it was Reed Smith.
"You know you public records are pretty long,"
"So you know what he tried to do yet you still brought him here?"
"What the fuck did I ever do to you? I turn you down? I work for your rival?" I asked.
"Pretty much. Yeah," He said.
"I get what I want," He added.
I took off to the door but Reed ended up catching me and pushing me to the ground. They started to walk closer to me and I screamed a blood curling scream but they kept walking towards me.
"Ryan is here to stop me this time princess," He said.
Right as soon as they for to me, the door flew open and both Reed and Colt looked at the door. I looked past them and saw that it was Lance. I slowly get up and once I am on my feet, I ran over there behind Lance and grabbed his arm.
"What the fuck is going on in here?"
I just shrugged and his my face.
"They-Reed-trapped me in there with the person I am scared the fuck off because I told him no,"
"Lance, have you seen Delilah?" I heard a voice boom.
I looked up and saw that it was Jensen.
"Mr. Hunter!" I said.
He gives me a questionable look. He walks up to the room and his eyes shot opened.
"Why are you blocking Reed and this dude in this room?" He asked.
He said dude was if he knows him.
"When I went to go find you, they pulled me into the room, and Reed here is mad because I rejected him and he pushed me down to the floor and right before they were gonna do anything Lance came in," I said griping Lance's arm tight.
He looked down at his arm and back to me and gave me a reassuring smile.
"Reed, I told you if you don't leave her alone, I will have her press charges so get your lawyer prepared," He said pulling me by the arm to leave.
"Jensen?" I asked knocking on his bedroom door.
We've been home for about an hour and it was currently almost one and I couldn't sleep so I was gonna go downstairs to get something to drink but I saw Jensen's light on so I knocked.
"Come in," He said.
I opened the door and he was laying on top of his cover with no shirt and just boxers. I was looking at his body and how fit he is.
"Delilah?" He asked snapping me out of it.
"Oh, I was gonna get something to drink do you want me to get you anything?"
"No, I'm fine but thanks," I said nodding.
I started to walk towards the door but his next question stops me.
"You weren't that scared because it was Reed? It was the other guy wasn't it?" He asked.
He's already knows about my uncle and dad. I didn't want him to think I am more of freak than I already am.
"I-uhm-uh," was all I could say.
"Don't worry I'm not gonna fire you," He said.
I sighed and walked over to the bed and sat at the head.
"Um well when I was fourteen that guy Rick you saw was in my high school he was two grades above me. He was a junior while I was a freshmen. I went to a basketball game more liked dragged because I didn't want to go and but I went anyways and Rick was there. At first Rick was really cool but after a while, he became possessive and would yell at me for hanging out with other guys and not telling him where I was or what my plans were. Start of Sophomore year I told him to leave me the hell alone and back off after that. He did as I told him or so I thought. I started to get these texts from an unknown number and I didn't know who it was-"
"What did the text say?" He cut me off.
"Some of them were 'I'm always watching you' 'don't forget that I will always love you' then they started getting creepier 'no guy shall ever come between us princess'. 'I'll be really mad if anyone comes between us' 'you are mine' of course I told my mom and we call the police but they couldn't do anything since it wasn't an actual threat but then one day I was in my bedroom changing and I got a picture sent to me and I opened it and it was a picture of me in my bed studying for a test. I threw my phone and ran to my curtains and shut them. I quickly told my mom they call the cops they started an investigation. When they started it, it stopped. When they declared it was a cold case it started back up but the first text I got sent was a picture of me in my underwear and instead of freaking out I put on a shirt that was extra big on me and I walked over to my window and saw a person standing there and guess who it was?"
"Rick," He said that with so much anger.
It scared me.
"Do you know who he is?" I asked looking at him.
"Who? Rick?"
I nodded.
"Nope," He said popping the "P"
I could tell that he was lying but I didn't want to push him into it.
"Okay, anyways I told the cops about Rick and they lunch a full blown investigation again and the dumbass didn't delete the pictures of the texts and he got arrest, I pressed charges and he got sent to a mental hospital and that's was the last I heard of him until tonight," I said.
His face flashes with realization but it quickly goes away.
"Oh how long did it last?"
"Mid sophomore year to beginning of junior year,"
He mutters something under his breath but I didn't hear it.
"Huh?" I asked.
He looks up at me and sighs.
"Rick is my little brother,"
1105 words
Sorry it took so long. I have been busy and haven't felt up to write.
February 3rd, 2016
8:37 pm.

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