Chapter Two

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(The girl above is Delilah)
"Ms. Miller, Mr. Hunter needs you in his office," Ms. Green said.
"Yes ma'am," I said standing up.
I was halfway down with the stack up papers when she said that. I walked to the elevator and took a deep breath. I had never really liked elevators but I had to get use to them. I rode it up all the way until the sixth floor. I didn't see anyone at the desk next to two big doors so I knocked carefully.
"Come in," He voice demand.
I opened the door slowly and walked in.
"You needed me?"
"Not you exactly," He said eyeing me.
I looked down and I noticed that my skirt ridden up. I felt my cheeks redden as I tried to pulling it down but failing. I gave up and looked back up at him and he was smirking.
"See, my P.A. isn't here. She is on maternity leave. I will be getting a new one in a few days but thankfully I don't have much for them to. But for the coffee runs and things like that. So you will go and get me coffee every time I ask even if you are working on a story got it?" He asked.
"Yes sir," I said.
"Good. Coffee place right across this building. Just say coffee for Jensen Hunters and they will get it, now go," He said pissy.
I turned on my heels and went to where I was suppose to go.

"How can I help you?" The lady behind the counter asked.
"Yes, a coffee for Mr. Jensen Hunters. I got nothing but that,"
She smiles softly.
"Its alright hunny. You must be his new P.A.?"
"Im just filling in for a few days. I am actually just a reporter," I said.
"Good luck," She said handing me the coffee.
I smiled.
I got off the elevator and headed towards his office. I knocked.
"Come in,"
I sighed and opened the door. He was sitting at his desk, not even looking at me as I approached him.
"Sit it anywhere," He said eyes glued to the table.
I sat it next to his hand and when I started to pulled my hand, he reached down for the cup and his hand graze mine and I pulled away faster which altogether knocks over his coffee and spills it.
"Shit!" I mumbled.
As I try to grab the papers, but the more I did it, the more it got everywhere.
"Fuck!" I said giving up.
"Cabinet over has paper towels in it," His voice has a hint of amusement.
"You couldn't tell me that before I got sticky?"
"Its funny watching your freak out and you have a mouth on you,"
"Oh you heard that?" I asked turning on my heels to go to the cabinet and got out the paper towels.
I walked over to the desk and placed the towels on the desk to dry it up. I even tried to dry the papers but it end up ripping them.
"I am so sorry," I said.
He looked at them and his face crumpled.
"Damn it Ms. Miller, those were important papers that were done and were being sent back to them to writers. Stupid girl!"
"If you would have waited til my hand was gone, until your dumbass moved yours on it. It wouldn't have spilled," I spat out.
I didn't mean to have call him an dumbass but it just came out. I didn't regret it.
I looked at him, and his face was stone hard.
"Your fried,"
"Shocker!" I said walking towards the door.
"I don't need this job. I had a lot of offers. If you look at my college papers. I AM the top of my class. Just lost yourself a hell of a reporter. Goodbye prick," I said flipping his ass off.
When I got on the third floor to get my stuff, the newsroom was loud like usual but when I walked in, it got silent. As I reached my computer, I got stopped by some guy.
"Told the boss off on the first day? Literally a her,"
"This hero lost her job. But that's okay,"
When I finally got home, I said tired as hell but I have to look at roommate applications and find a new job.
I took a quick shower and put on some comfy pajamas. I grabbed my laptop from my desk. I walked to the kitchen and place the laptop on the island and started to make Ramon. I didn't have the energy to cook something real. After I ate, I picked up my laptop and sat down on my couch in the living room and open the laptop to my email.
"Hi I'm Layla Marks, I was writing you for your roommate?"
I got five more of them. I narrowed it down to the top three. Two girls and a guy and wrote them back all the said message;
"Hi, yes I am interested. But I would like to do a face to face interview. Contact me back with a a good time to meet,"
I clicked out of my email and typed it
"Journalism jobs in New Yorks City,"
Right before I clicked an website, someone knocked.
I got up and looked through my peep hold and saw that it was Mr. Hunter.
How the hell does he know where I live?
I rolled my eyes and opened the door.
"What the fuck do you want?"
He bit his lip.

I watched as Ms. Miller walked out of my office. I wasn't mad at her at all but I had to fire her, he would have never heard the end of it and that will cause a lot more of the pink slips. No, I am mad but I was more interested in why she didn't fawn all over me like other girls did.
" Just lost yourself a hell of a reporter,"
"Top of my class,"
"I had a lot of job offers,"
Those words haunted me,
What if she said was true? And the offers? I can't let her go to my enemy.
I dialed a number and put it on speaker.
"Decide to fire one of the best reporters and writers I had?"
"So is it true then?"
"Did you not see her application or her report?"
"No? Send them to me right now Ms. Green," I said ending the call.
I waited for about five or five minutes before I heard a bing on my computer. I looked over and there it was. Her application.
I clicked on it and she was right. Top of my class at Mizzou. She did have a lot of other offers.
"What do you want?" She asked me.
I bit my lips.
I saw her start trembling when I did that. I looked over and saw her laptop was opened to journalism jobs. I chuckled and closed her laptop.
"I'm here to offer you your job back but not the same one.
She looks at me funny.
"As my personal assistant,"
1182 words.
January 16, 2016
2:43 am
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