Jan. 15 2016

5 0 0

dear aniki,
things were like hell the past few days and then.. it suddenly all got better. One of my friends, he's like a big bro, he wasn't eating and he ended up in the hospital and I was freaking out and trying to act calm but I couldn't and I got that feeling like I gotta cut but my other friend threatened to like OD if I did sooooooo I did something that kinda satisfies the feeling and it's not as bad. I've kinda been like idk drawing on my legs with a knife. like idk I mean I lose less blood and it hurts less so idk I guess it works for now. He's eating now at least and tbh im really happy. that idiot really scares me sometimes. I haven't heard from you for a few days, I kinda miss you and I really hope that everything's okay. sometimes I just get really lonely is all..

so my mom made me come to this play thing with her, it's called dirty dancing and oml we have to see this when you come to Canada! it's rly cool you'd probably like it Cx

please come baaaaack sooooooon
it's kinda shitty without you tbh like idk why
ily (asaf lmao) btw

come back soon, asshole

~your suicidal brat

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