Chapter 3- Ethan's p.o.v

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Buzzzz! Buzzzz!

"Ugh! What do you want?!" I groaned angrily as I extended my arm towards my desk where my iPhone was buzzing loudly. It felt as if the roar of a ferocious lion had awaken me from a deep peaceful sleep. It took my eyes a while before they could adjust to my sudden awakening, and the luminescence of my room made me dizzy but I read the texts anways.

Hey baby, are we still up for tonight? ;)

Why on earth was Melina texting me at six in the damn morning?! Reluctantly I unlocked my phone and texted back a simple response.

We sure are;)

I locked my phone as soon as I sent the message and gently threw it on my bed where it fell over my ruffled, navy bed sheets. I walked over to my bathroom as slow as a turtle to take a cold shower. Melina and I have been dating for a month today and were going out on a fancy date to celebrate, after that she said she wanted to do something exciting. It didn't take long to figure out she meant the obvious;sex. I wasn't about to go and rain on her parade, but truth is I didn't plan on going that far with her because of the numerous guys she's slept with before. And besides, for the past week she's been lagging on me, becoming more distant by the day. It's not that I cared so much beause when you're dating a girl like her you've got to be very prudent, but I wouldn't want her to end up cheating on me, The Great Ethan Clark. I laughed at myself in the mirror as I made the famous superman pose to go along with my thoughts.

I loved brushing my teeth before I showered, so I reached over to the silver toothbrush holder that stood on the left hand corner of the granite, marble sink and plastered toothpaste over it. School wouldn't start for another hour and a half at the least which meant I had to hurry up with my shower.


"Aye man, what's up?" Ayden, a.k.a my best bro looked bluntly hungover as he walked over to my black Ford raptor. I locked my truck and shook his hand simultaneously.

"Just staying sober for now." I replied with a smirk on my face.

"I've just been stressing a lot so shut the hell up because you and I both know I'm not an alcoholic." His angry reply surprised me considering how cheerfully he had greeted me, but I quickly understood why he had gotten offended. His biological father was an alcoholic and used to beat him when he was a young child.

"Alright. Damn. Xavier and Carlos here yet?" I asked as we headed towards the black iron gates of Monroe High. Ayden smugly shrugged which just annoyed me; obviously something was bothering him. So much for being the best bro and confiding in me right?

"You're still dating Melina huh?" He carried a somber tone as he asked the random question.

"Yup. One month today actually. Taking her out on a fancy dinner tonight, well that's if she doesn't lag on me."

"Why are you still dating her man? I mean she's.....she's cool I guess but she's not very bright and she's easy." We were standing next to one of the massive fountains on the first quad now. Students were crowding the campus and buses were pulling up in time for the morning bell.

"What the hell is your problem man? Talk to me when you're sober alright?" I snapped at him with the most bitter tone I can manage. Ayden's nostrils flared as he walked past me, purposely bumping his strong shoulder against mine. What's gone into him this morning? Yeah Melina may have had many boyfriends before me, but shouldn't we leave that in the past and create better situations?


Today was an odd day which meant we only had three classes to sadly attend to, unlike even days when we have four. I was in spanish 3 conversing with Carlos Plaza and Naomi Osmer, one of Melina's best friend. The conversation took a rapid turn to humorville and the three of us erupted with laughter as Carlos shared a stupid lame joke. I couldn't figure out why it was so funny, but I bowed my head and slammed the wooden table repeatedly. I restrained myself after what felt like an eternity, unaware of the death stares being shot at Naomi, Carlos, and I.

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